I gutted out a dresser/wardrobe type thing and lined the inside with mylar and planted a couple seedlings under a 42 watt CFL bulb (6500k color temp). One is growing a bit faster than the other, but the one that is growing faster has a little brownish color on one of the leaves. Does anyone know what that could be? I ordered a 65 watt 2700k color temp bulb it'll be here in a couple days so I hope that will help them out a bit. For now I just left the light on, but I'm going to start a 18/6 light cycle now that they've sprouted. They're in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and haven't used any nutrients. I will have to order those next week although I'm not even really sure how to use nutrients, but I am gonna look into it a bit further once I get them. I'm just growing for the experience and will do a much better run next time, just posting so I can document my grow and reflect on it next time.
Ok so I'm only on my second grow but from what I have learned is.... First off cfl lights are only good within a few inches of the plant and have to be adjusted with growth. Also the actual watts are what matter on CFl s. ,oat are labeled something like 42 watt equivalent it's the actual watts that matter. As for the leaf if its the only spot on the leaf and no more show up it might have been water. I forget what it's called but if your lights were on and you got water on your leaves that can turn them brown or it could be something else altogether either way there are great resources in the forums. Take a look at the grow journals also ( mine is in my sig) they provide a way to see multiple scenarios and techniques at once plus when people screw up the advice is always great ... The soil from what little I know should take care of your plants till the second week or so before you need nutes...as for the nutes unless you are doing the Lucas formula ( google it ) the best place to get info is on the actual companies website. This is all IMO btw.... Edit I just looked at the pic and that's the seed shell on the left leaf it falls away on its own ....
Hey thanks for the reply that definitely helps. Yeah my light is literally within like 4-6 inches from the plants and I am even thinking about eventually supplementing the CFLs with some LEDs too but maybe later on in the plant's life. And yeah the lights are using actual 42 watts, I ordered this one off of Amazon: Amazon.com: Feit Electric ESL40TN/D 42-Watt Compact Fluorescent High-Wattage Bulb, Daylight: Home Improvement and then I just ordered this one that's on it's way: Amazon.com: EarthTronics 4U65SW1B 65-Watt 2700K Compact Florescent Light Bulb, Soft White: Home Improvement Next week I will probably be ordering the 3-pack of nutrient bottles from Fox Farm (the Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom). I should also mention being stealthy is not one of my missions, since I was given permission to do the grow (unless I get caught, of course, and in that case the homeowner didn't know anything).
It's looking pretty good so far. I had another sprout but it looks like crap so I'm thinking about just throwing it out. My plan was just to do one plant anyways as a test run. Here's a pic today (attached).
Ok it's been a while since I've posted but, she (I hope) has really taken off! Just been on an 18/6 light cycle, no nutrients, just been watering.
right on man. Nutrients are totally superfluous if you keep transpanting to fresh soil, or the soil already has everything the plants need in it (which ffof appears to an extent) good luck!
Unfortunately I had to chop her down this morning. Because I'M MOVING TO COLORADO JAN 28th WOOT! Haha, so yeah this is the end of my grow until I get out to CO where it's legal.