First Grow Journal -Mazar&Royal Hash

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by William Grass, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 William Grass, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Hey everyone, 1/25/11

    This is my first time posting to grasscity and my first grow. I got my seeds from, 20 Mazar seeds and 5 free Royal Hash seeds. I began to greminate 3 MZ and 3 RH last night and now 24 hours later the 3 MZ have cracked and began to show signs of a tail. And only one of the RH has cracked. I made my grow room in side a spare closet and another one in a stealth grow box. I'll put up pics in my next post. Im doing the wet towel in ziplock technique for germination. right now I'm just using distilled water. I have some plant food, but i wanted to ask about if I should use it now or wait until they have established in the hydro system I have.

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  2. #2 koolaking, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    My mazar seedlings are a week old,keep in touch let me know how there getting on.mine are femminized autos,what are yours ? dont think you need to give them any feed for about 3 weeks.
  3. Are you going to wait until more of a tail comes out before you pot those?

    Some of mine never developed a tail(others did) and I planted them and they still grew.

    Anyways, I'm just curious. Best of luck in your grow!
  4. I ordered beans from the same place and got some royal hash as my free set. The other set i got was Purple Power. I germinated 2 of each to increase my fem chance since i didnt order fem seeds of the PP. They were planted on the 19 and are starting on their 2nd set of true leaves now. I was going to wait a little to start my grow journal for the grow till they got a little bushy but might as well start now lol. Good luck on your grow and i will be subbed to keep tabs on your grow with the Hash.
  5. #5 William Grass, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    I've been super busy with a but of shit right now so i havent had a chance to get any pictures. I planted 2 mazar/2 royal hash in rockwool under 400w cfls and there all sprouting the biggest one is about 2inch mazar. I put the other two seeds in those plucks. they havent began to sprout yet though. I'm trying these ones under a blue led panel. My seeds are just the regular ones. thanks for the comments. I'll be posting photos soon hopefully.

    ha oh so i was ripped and i was putting the seeds into the rockwool when I dropped a seed, i probly sent about 20 minutes looking for it so i left one of the rockwools empty so i could germinate another seed to put in it. it turns out that i dropped it into the rockwool.. so i didnt loose it. i was stoked.

    Will Smoquen Grass

    Heres the pics.

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  6. Hey spacemunkies, were the ends of the leaves on your royal hash turned over so the bottom was facing up? i'll send a pic of it tomorrow. all of them are doing it though so i just wanted to know if yours did too.
  7. Not that i know of. Here is a pic of what my royal hash looks like now.

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  8. #8 bakin420, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011

    I <3 Mazar, Here's my Mazar mother plant @ about a month and a half or so. Good luck on you're grow though man! Hold onto that Mazar, skunk is the shit :D

  9. I did just a little research and i came away with the idea that my lights are too close to the they turn their leave so they dont get as much light. last night i raised my blue led up about 3 inches and now this morning the royal hash leaves look normal. I think that could just be it.
  10. 2/8/11

    Hey everyone. So my two Mazars are not lookin so hot. They are starting to turn yellow. Correct me if I'm wrong.. this could be Nitrogen deficiency? I figured that this was the case because i forgot to soak my rockwool in a nutrient solution before i planted the seeds. So I added about 6 drops of FoxFarms hydro Grow Big in a cup of water and poured over rockwool. The ph was 6.0 and the temp 73 and 45% hum. My royal hash isn't looking that good either...
    But on the other hand the royal hash that i have under my LED is doing really well its about twice as big as my mazar. It's showing roots breaking through the pellet. I'm going to plant this tonight.

    Any tips or suggestions would be awesome! heres so pics

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  11. #11 goneandforgotten, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011

    I really don't have any pointers or ideas that i can think of.

    what are the specs of that led?

    And does it have its first full set of 3 fingered leaves?
    -I read that it isn't really wise to give your seedlings and nutes till they sprout their first set of 3 fingered leaves then you give then 1/4% nutes.

    Here is a pic of what my Royal hash is looking like now. I have it under 5x 6500k 26watt, 4x 5500k 26w and 4x 2700k 26w cfls. They are on a light cycle of 18/6 that just started today after being on a 24/7 since being planted after germing. They are also being grown in an organic soil. It was planted into a party cup on 1/19/11 and into the 3 gallon pot it is in now on 2/2/11. Its been doing alot of root growing lately. I can see the very tips of some poking around the edges of the drainage slits in the bottom of the pot. I expect a huge growth spurt out of this plant in the next week. I raised the lights in my veg box to try and get it to reach a little to give a little more space for undergrowth.
    Picture was taken 2/7/11

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  12. Keep ph between 6.3-6.8
  13. My LED is 20w blue lights. yeah my royal hash is doing fine. but just the other ones arent doing to great.. yeah i heard you arent supposed to use any nutes for the first couple weeks but im pretty sure youre supposed to soak the rockwool in water that has a small amount of nutes and correct ph.. thats the part i for got.. I bought bigger blocks of rockwool that im going to transplant both my mazar into today.

    You're Royal Hash is lookin good. mine hasnt developed the three leaves yet. it has two sets of true leaves but only single blades right now. I just planted it into a container with potting soil and perlite. I added some coffee grounds on top of the soil to lower the ph a little.

    Thanks for the comments
  14. yeah I just gave my hash its first shot of bone and blood meal tea last night. I had to up the ph of my tea to about 7 to help raise my low ph in the soil. Hopefully it will help keep the ph in a better range for it. i expect ALOT of growth from this thing in the next week
  15. yay!!! im so excited to have found someone else growing royal hash yay!!!
  16. that is such stoner luck that u dropped it into the rockwool
  17. hey in veg u should have those LEDS the fartheset away here is a link if u dont belive me but i dont want u to hurt ur girls

    Illuminator 90W UFO Grow Light

    here is the note

    Important Note: Too much light will cause serious damage to seedlings and young plants! Plants at the earliest stages of development must be placed the farthest distances from the light.

    and they have a graph and shit that will tell u what distance is best im runnin LEDs as well so i got ur back
  18. hey in veg u should have those LEDS the fartheset away here is a link if u dont belive me but i dont want u to hurt ur girls

    Illuminator 90W UFO Grow Light

    here is the note

    Important Note: Too much light will cause serious damage to seedlings and young plants! Plants at the earliest stages of development must be placed the farthest distances from the light.

    and they have a graph and shit that will tell u what distance is best im runnin LEDs as well so i got ur back
  19. Nice man, i just germinated two more mazars so I'm going to plant those in the peet pellet things tomorrow.
  20. Thanks for the advise man!

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