First Grow in Coco - Need Help! URGENT!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by QuikJake, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Right now is day 5 since sprouting out of the coco and it started out looking nice and healthy but after day 3 it started to look uglier and uglier each coming day starting with leaves becoming more narrow than before and then losing it color and looking a bit shriveled up :confused_2:. Right now it's just one Seedsman White Widow Regular seed in nothing but thoroughly rinsed coco and I've been watering about 500-750 mL of tap water every 2-3 days. I have yet to purchase lights so it is in regular sunlight right now. Can somebody please tell me what i can do to get my baby looking healthy again?
    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5
  2. Try using distilled water and see if that helps. Tap water can have bad stuff in it. Are you giving them nutes already? Because it kind of looks like nute burn.
  3. no i haven't fed any nutes yet, or anything at all other than straight tap; however i had been giving them tap straight from the faucet until i read a few hours ago in another thread that i should let it sit in the open for at least 12 hours. I am going to try the distilled water and see if that helps. I can just get distilled water from any store right? they sell them in bottles?
  4. 1. It doesn't looked like you added any perlite, is that correct? You really should add perlite to your mixture.

    2. Are you PHing your water? You need to make sure you you are using the correct PH.

    3. Tap water should be just fine, don't worry about getting distilled.
  5. Yeah any store that sells bottled water should have distilled. I would give it some very mild nutes also, but not until you see the effects of distilled water.
  6. NO nutes yet, you will likely overdo it at this point. And seriously, focus on PH and don't worry about the distilled crap.
  7. well i think im going to have to go with the distilled for now because im on a bit of a budget and if i buy a ph meter now, i won't be able to pay for the lights i need
  8. Just getting distilled water will not guarantee your issue will be remedied, but if that's what you want to try go ahead.
  9. well i don't have much of a choice here i guess since i don't have any form of transportation yet, the distilled will have to do. I also forgot to mention there is a shitload of gnats and other lil nasty looking super small bugs flying around all the time. do you think that could be having something to do with the way it's looking now?:eek:
  10. OK either i have just been royally fucked or too fucking stoned to see straight but it's about 10 pm at night here, and my poor suffering baby has been sitting outside all night minding it's own business. I went outside and happened to check on it and THE ENTIRE LEAVES ARE GONE!!:mad: idk wtf could've happened. There's nothing but pure stem standing now and i looked everywhere for the leaves, something had to have eaten them because they are GONE! :eek: gosh it looks like im going to have to be starting all over again, but this time im going to wait till i get my lights, ph meter, and perlite before i germinate my other Barney's Farm LSD feminised seed to start it out right :(
  11. Damn dude sorry to hear that. :eek:

    I've never heard of that happening before. Must have been eaten I guess. Good luck on your future grows! One tip on coco if you don't already know. It needs Cal/Mag supplementation if you don't use coco specific nutes, just fyi for the future.
  12. yes i read about the calcium deficiency problems many times thanks for letting me know anyways, though is there anything i could use as a substitute for cal-mag?
  13. i planted some up the woods years ago and i even put tin cans round the stems to stop the slugs getting to them,they got to a foot high,next time i went there they were just stems,must of been rabbits lol..........happy rabbits:rolleyes:
  14. now thats the plane..get your gear in order...always germ more than 1 seed bro...i run coco..canna coir...add 1/3 perlite to mix...i add bllood meal...bone meal..touch of sulfer....bat guano...worm castings to my coco as it is inert...on my seedlings..i used rizo and superthrive for the first watering...theres no nutes in coco so the plant doesn't get any nutes like it does in 1 week i start canna a plus b at 25%...and get cal.mag suppliment cause your gonna need it

    my dymes at 24 day..sensi skunk #1..great genetics:hello:

    one in back left is 15 day

    real nice branchin' takin' place:hello:

    my barneys lsd

    one of my this one lord of the bud:D


    posted some pics ta give cred to what im sayin'..any me..i love ta help:smoke:

    ....also would check out smart pots...they rock...every time i water my plants get nutes..coco is hydro...this is how i do works for is not the reccommended method of choice for most but they arent runnin' coco..check out ask eds coco guide in the coco forum in hydro...great stuff by peeps runnin' just coco:smoke:..peace deacon
  15. Tap water can be hard water though and will create lockout. I use distilled water when i run out of collected rain water. I didn't have a PH meter up until about a week ago and im glad i got it. You can get super cheapies for like $30 but i felt it was worth getting one a bit pricier. I ended up with the PH1 pen. It works great and is easy to use!

    I haven't grown from seed yet but it seems like most people use some sort of seran wrap to keep in the moisture. Also, idk about where you live but its been kind of too cold and windy to keep a young one like that outside.
  16. #16 QuikJake, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Yeah i think i probably have some happy bugs around here or something because it disappeared within 30 minutes from the last time i checked on it.

    Thanks for all the info it really helps. I've been to every one of Asked's coco threads and took plenty of notes too :rolleyes: i just need to manage money better and stop buying so much weed that way i can get weed lol. I actually am using a 3 Gal smart pot you just can't really tell from the pictures i posted. it looks like im going to start my barneys farm grow with 1/3 perlite 2/3 coco mix, and add 5.8 distilled water with super thrive and of course cal-mag. I also just found a post on craigslist for a 2ft 4 bulb t5 lamp with 6500k bulbs and extra 2500k for only $60! also CNS17 fertilizer - grow bloom and ripening for only $15!!! that's $5 each. everything is all brand new. I really scored on this one:D
    by the way if i may those are beautiful plants! how did you get your internodes to grow so tightly together? what kind of light setup are you running? also what's a rough estimate of the veg and flower time for your barney's farm LSD grow?

    yeah i don't know if im going to be able to wait to have enough cash for a ph meter, i might just have to start off with distilled water for the first few weeks. But I live in hawaii and it's honestly not too windy in my area and the average temperature right now is about 70-75F so i thought i would be fine, however it doesn't matter anymore since my baby has been guzzeled up by some selfish creature! :mad: my new grow is going to be indoors from start to finish
  17. get the t-5 if ya can..great deal:hello:they rock..i veg with t5's..dont go distilled water..i lacks minerals and stuff the plants need and is no gurantee of proper ph...let your tap sit out over night...go to a pet store or something and get a fish tank ph test kit..about 6 bucks....break down mr trump:poke:lemon juice= ph down...baking up...uses the test kit and adjust water accordingly....on my lsd...dont really do anything special...thats just the way i grow...maybe a combo of nutes control and the good old florida sunshine..i run farm...and advanced nutes..kinda a shotgun approach...switch up every cover any defs one or the other might have..always go easy on the cal/mag..25% dose once a week until a problem has nites in it and ya can burn the plants..i run t5 and 400 hps and cfl's as suppliment..also have a 150 hps and a 90watt ufo:rolleyes:on that lsd the veg time was zero...that was straight ta flower..i cant wait ta veg one out but i got two jars stuffed and other strains are callin':D

  18. SWEET:D thanks for the tip now i will be able to ph my water accordingly for cheap, at least for the first few weeks that is. but HOLY SHIETTTT you got buds like that with no veg time? did you go from seed or from clones? im assuming clones.:eek: how long did it flower for?
  19. yeah..its a stop gap at best...but as ya grow more you will see ph is like a gate that lets the food in..too high or to low and nutes are locked out from the plant..and take a test ..pour a glass of your it to say 6..let it sit over night..test the ph...some water has buffers that will cause the ph to rise again when usin' lemon down at pet shop is better but check your buck..about 3 bucks or something...most likely wont need ph day i will get lucky and visit your state..peace deacon:smoke:

  20. alright so it seems ph is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than i really thought because i guess it does affect everything my plants will receive, thanks for stressing it now i have a good understanding of it's importance. I found the lights I'm going to purchase online for the specs. Here's a link C.A.P. MaxLume 2 I'm getting the 2' 4 bulb 6500k one for $60 brand new in the box with a free additional 2 2500k Bulbs :) I've also established my new grow room errrr.. kinda hehe here it is:
    yup that's right I'm going to be growing in the trunk of an old Acura Integra. I'm going to be running a stealth grow and it won't get much stealthier than this where I'm living haha. It's been in my garage for years and I just recently cleaned out the back last night. You can see all that brown stuff is old rotten ply wood from a bass box system that got wet in the back I cleaned it out last night but there still needs some vacuuming to be done.

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