First grow, have question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by gotmud734, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. This is my first attempt at a grow. I'll give you some details first, Before I ask my question. I was given 2 clones from a very good friend. One was a very healthly looking purp in rockwool with (no roots showing) . The other is a white rhino clone in rockwool. (no roots showing). But was and has been kind of weak looking. I've had them under a doom for about 2 weeks at around 80 to 85 degrees at about 40 % humidity with heating mat. I've been misting the leaves and doom several times a day or when ever needed. My watering solution consist of two drops of super thrive per. gallon. My lighting is two high output cfls at around 500 watts per bulb. With my light fixture at the top of the doom, About 6 inches above plants. My white rhino (the weak one) . Showed roots in about two weeks. So I gave it a couple days in the doom and then tranplanted into dirt and she seems to be doing fine. My purp the healthly looking one, Is not showing any signs of roots yet. I do realize that clones do take longer to root sometimes. My question is. I'm noticing some purplish red color running up the leaf stem of the larger older leaves and into the leafs seration vains. Can someone tell me if this is a problem with nutritoin or is this normal for this stain of plant purps. Also could someone give me some advice on what I should use to feed my young plant once I put them in the dirt. I'm very interested in hearing your guys advice. Thank you .
  2. Sup BRO!!!!


    Don't worry about any discoloring. The main thing you want to do (and I'm sure you have been doing) is don't pick them up and start looking for roots often, just let them sit and keep them in solid conditions just like you are and have been. For the discoloring, everything sounds natural and legit. Just keep waiting, I'm sure everything is fine.


    Internet sites like GC, Rollitup etc go crazy over FFOF (Fox Farm - Ocean Forest) potting soil. Since you are dealing with CLONES which can be very delicate upon handling and need to be careful with what you put it in I would buy FFLW (Fox Farms - Light Warrior). Light warrior is Ocean Forest but the soil is intended for seedlings / clones. Basically it is not over hauled with nutes and 'goodies' (goodies meaning items like kelp, worm castings etc). Basically, when putting a clone in soil just make sure you're not going to clone it by over feeding it with nutes / fertilizers.

    PS- Good call on 2 drops per gallon (I believe that is what you said). I started using Fox Farms tri-pack of nutes when my seedlings were 1 week old. I literally started adding drops per gallon over time and slowly introducing it.

    Just be patient with your clones, don't pick them up and check 'em out frequently and transplant them in a light soil that will not kill them.

    Hope I helped BRO!!!
  3. Thanks Parallelism for your advice. I'm glad you agree on the things that I'm doing so far. I guess I'm just a little paranoid, It being my first grow. I will go read the thread (sick plants) you reconmended. But would like to poss a nother queastion to you and anyone else out there how migth read this. Before I was given the two clones I mentioned in my first thread. I germinated about 30 bag seeds I had laying around and was sucessful enough to get six in dirt and there doing great. But I'm having a little problem with insects in the first seedling I put in soil. (NATS I THINK), real small flying one that are hanging out in the soil. I have not seen them on the plant. But I understand these little insects may be the type that live and feed on the roots. I've tried a little neem oil mixed with water treatment to the plant soil and misted the foliage two times. And positioned white fly trap around the plants and room with little sucess. I was told the soil I used was of bad quality. By my local hort shop. And sense then I've switched to a good quality soil with a light dose of soil nutes recomended by my new friends down at the hort shop. 40lb bag of pro-mix, 1 lb soil builder non-toxic earthworm castings, ProgressEarth.coms premium biodynamic compost for explosive root,growth, and bloom. And a little extra perlite. Boy I hope these guys know what there talking about down there, they seem to. Anything has to be better then what I had. And have had no problem with insects in those pots with the new soil. But I'm still having insect in the old soil. And do not want them to spread to the other plants. I am thinking about doing is tolaly retranplanting that plant all the way to the roots. I want this dirt out of my garden but I don't want to throw the the plant away. The plant is young about 2 to 3 weeks old and 3 to 4 inches tall. Very stout. Dose anyone out there think this could be done. And how should I go about it. I'm very new at this and I want to be sucessful. Any input on this matter would be very helpful. Thanks

  4. I'm going to reply to this is about one hour. I'm a bit busy now, just woke up give me a few mins.

  5. Nah man, you don't need or transplant or anything. I posted a real nice juicy thread on this in the sick plant section but nobody thought it was helpful till I reply to their posts.

    You have two very viable methods for getting rid of gnats. The first is buying a pitcher / sundew plant. These plants are carnivorous plants and will eat the gnats. This method is 100% organic and brings no negative effects (except maybe less CO2 for your MJ).

    I also would buy a nephentis Pitcher Plant just incase you get bigger bugs like spiders. Pitcher plants also can fix a gnat problem but I would go with a sundew plant. They are really underrated in terms of solving gnat problems. Anything else you need man? Don't be shy
  6. the purpleish red stems u are noticing are either the pheno of your strain just showing its colors, or its either by cold temperature, which is totally fine.

    another way to get rid of pests is to buy some neem oil, mix a little of it it with water and mist ur leaves every so often with a spray bottle.
    if u still want to transplant though, id recommend a through flush before u do so, just to get rid of those nutrient lockouts just in case, caused by your original soil.

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