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~~~First Grow Ever~~ Mini Fridge CFL/Whitewidow~~

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by canadakid1991, May 7, 2011.

  1. Hello Ever one
    So after Ready and ready and some more reading, and some shit going on in my life thats got me down I decided to get my mind off things and start a new hobby
    I Rarley smoke its just something i have always wanted to try and do and if i like it just grow and collect bud

    :hello::gc_rocks:This is My First ever Grow and i Decided a mini fridge would be good since its larger then a pc but still stealthy enough :hello:

    if any one has advice or tips or critisism is alway's welcome if im doing something wrong tell me so i dont murder my babies

    Mini fridge 29x18x19 inches
    Left it white since i have read that its fine like that

    4- 23w 2800ks Flower
    3- 42w 6500ks Veg

    2-120mm fans intake and outtake
    1-80mm boostfan on carbon filter

    potting soil from canadian tire I added perlite and mushroom poop

    White widow indoor from bcseedking


    Flora nova Grow/Bloom
  2. #2 canadakid1991, May 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2011


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  3. Born may 3/11
    3 days after sprouting here they are

    1 is a little smaller then the rest :S

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  4. If any one has any tips on taking pictures i always seem to get blurry ones when i try and get close ups :s
  5. so no 1 likes my grow :'(
  6. set up looks great man. Only problem you might run into is the computer fan pushing air through the carbon filter, but otherwise looks good.

  7. I know ive read and every one says it beter for it to be sucked for more surface area covered but the problem is the pcu fans only has 44 cfm and it dont suck worth shit and it gets to hot so i put the 80mm fan to help out

    fan==>Filter===>120mm fan

    the filter isnt a cone shaped its just a wall of carbon in a 4" dr28 coupling

    i can't afford to go get a highpowered fan thats Loud

    i hope it works or i will be hiting up wallmart for airfreshners

  8. I would imagine you would be fine. You might want to look into the small desk fans that walmart has though they have a clip on 5 or 6 inch one that has pretty good velocity for like $10 and they also have like $6 one that is 4 inches that would fit in you coupling or close to it that i see everyone use. I have the clip on its pretty quite but you can still hear it a little. I like your set up though man, nice and stealthy.
  9. May 8
    6days after Sprouting

    2 seem to being doing fine
    1 seems to be uhhh Different... any one ever see this?? does it mean its going to be a very very special plant and i should just leave in wallmart and drive off??

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  10. Cool grow man. I just sprouted my Widow, but your a week or so infront of me :) sweet!
  11. subbed... Let's see how ya go :) Good luck mate!
  12. #13 canadakid1991, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    8 days old
    first picture is plant 1

    second and 3rd are plant 2

    and still don't know whats going on with number 3 but i going to just leave it
    cuz i have no clue what the fuck its doing

    watering with the 8 liters of river water
    which i hiked down and collected the other day
    i will get a picture of the hill i got to climb up when i go to refill my water jugs

    overall except 3 i think i am doing pretty good temp stays at 77-79 ish tried putting another bulb in went to 87 in half hour.

    : when can i start my First Fuck i missed and lst?

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  13. Hmmmm. You feeding them only water? If so, change it... Possibly use tap water for a week... The yellowing is not a good sign this early on... Ca/Mg is lacking...

    The weird one, I would throw out... BUT... if you like, keep it/her and see what happens. I usually throw out any genetics that look a bit freakish... It's a sign of things to come if you catch my drift.
  14. #15 EatingMushrooms, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    Looks good except for that yellowing. Id go down to walmart or lowes and atleast get a cheap pool or fish tank ph test so you can atleast ball park where you are at for Ph. Ph is very important let me tell you i had nute and ph problems early on and it really stunted my grow significantly. And if you decide to use tap water like aussie said make sure you let it sit out of night so the chlorine evaporates. And to LST i would wait a little while till is gets 3 or 4 sets of leaves.
  15. gonna go get the ph shit today
    its not really noticable when u look at the plants in the sun light in person its more of when the flash goes they went yella

  16. got a pool ph and chlorine test kit the river waters ph was a lighter colour then the lowest reading on the tube thing which was 6.5

  17. I like the strips better but the liquid tester will work. Add a little baking soda to your water to get the PH up. Use lemon juice or vinegar if you go to high. Test the run off water from your pots try to keep it 6.3-6.8.
  18. Just Watered my babies and grabed some of the run off it says 6.5ph so thats good
    the plants dont look as yellow as they do in person u gota look really hard hopefuly it will just go away

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