First grow ever/Ayahuasca purple!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by gotpurpz89, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Pics

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  2. I got one going too. She does grow nicely and I love the tight node spacing on her
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  3. How old is ur ap
  4. Almost 4 weeks from sprout
  5. yeah i've done the crystal meth for my first grow, it's a very pretty strain. [​IMG] but unfortunately i had fungus gnats from my flower room when my new ones sprouted, i sprayed Gonat and it ended up fucking them up and i'm sure they're stunted. she's already preflowering and only has like 4 bud sites, so she's gonna turn out tiny.

    Anesthesia & Crystal Meth Autoflower Grow
  6. Topped some more today ap looks very good ten headed monster but got little bubbles were i topped last time is this normal if u can see them i will take another pic....and also some more pics of the wife kcf
  7. Pictures

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  8. Did a little training today was scared i might break a branch gave it a half gallon of water. The tub she is in holds good water but yes pupina aka ayahuasca purple is doing great she is striven...some pics of the ap and the wifes kali we will be taking her down in about 3 weeks!! Thanx for following!

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  9. Got that expert touch I see
  11. Yes I did. Thirsty plants.
  12. Cant wait to flower
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  13. Pupina has come a long way in a week
  14. Ap is very bushy has a lil smell to it thinking about flipping to flower in another week but not sure if i want to flower under hps or led i am open to opinions

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  15. Your doing a great job! I look forward to seeing more of your work keep doing your thing.
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  16. Hows ur ap doing bro
  17. Some tricome pics of the wife kfc almost ready
  18. So Far so good..Sleeping no so no pics until tomorrow.. super wide leaves galore!
  19. Thats how mine is it like a bush every day it suprises me
  20. Just thinned her out a bit;)

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