first grow...droopy plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ellisd212, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. about 3 weeks ago,...i popped my first set of seeds 5 blue dream and 4 mk ultra,...i put them in root starters...flushed my rockwool,...had them under cfl's for a couple weeks....and then added a 400w metal halide....the next day my plants were droopy looking,....i moved the light up to 24 inches away and still droopy....i am using ph drops and it is very difficult to obtain 5.5,..but for the most part i think ive been pretty the roots are through the bottom of the netpots and its time to put on the my question it definetly the light or maybe overwatering...ive only been watering once a day with half strength nutrient solution and i have the light ducted to a blower in the heat isn;'t an issue, humidity is only 40% and temperature is maintained at 75 degrees...someone please help...i don't want to lose it too early for the metal halide...i didn't seem to have a problem until then....oh and how should i set my timer for the water...i am using 4" rockwool...
  2. I think that the light might have been a little close if you moved it up to 24" away. I can't recall the distance, but I'm pretty sure young plants like that should have more distance from the light. Personally, I use t5 fluoros for veg, but my HPS in flower I keep about 18" -24" away but these plants are mature. The rockwool has a high pH so you'll find yourself keeping it adjusted. I have used rockwool alot, and it's not an issue, if you keep an eye on your nute pH. Also, it might be a little early for half strength. I usually start with at 20% solution at week 4 and bump it up from there, attaining full by week 6. it's different for different strains, but that's my experience.

    What kind of nutrient delivery system are you using? Drippers? I would set mine to feed for 3-4 min. every 4 - 6 hours, depending on how dry the rockwool is getting between feedings. The rockwool is hard to overwater, but it is possible. also, make sure you get some kind of covers for your rockwool cubes, if you don't, the light will grow algae on top of the rockwool and attract fungus gnats. they're not that bad but they are a pain in the ass.

    usually my plants will look wilted if the watering stops for whatever reason. but i know they can look similar if overwatering.

    good luck. hope this helps

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