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first grow,2 seedlings, a few questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HOLY Roller, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. currently I've got 2 seedlings of Mazar going, I just put them under my 250 Watt MH after having them under fluros for a few days, how far away should I have the light, I left my hand under it for 30 seconds at the plants high and it was comfortable, but its not too far away.

    also I finished throwing my hydroponic setup together, its kind of a cross between an ebb and flow system and a DWC, because after buying everything the tray wouldn't drain completely so I decided to leave the water pump on 24/7 with air stones in the tray and reservior. only problem is when I have the water level as low as the spill over line will premit then net pots sit about 7/8" into the water, will I be able to get away with that if I add a little more hydroton to the bottom of the net pots, I know that they shouldn't be in the water but I dont know how I would solve that, any suggestions?

    one last question, when I had the seedling under the fluroescent lights, I had the lights like an inch away from them, but they seem to have stretched, they are currently about 1" tall, is that normal or have they stretched.

    sorry for all the run on sentences, and the questions, any help will be greatly appreciated
  2. If it was a Ebb and Flow system you bought, then i can't see why it won't drain.
    Once the pump stops, there should be nothing stopping the nutrient solution from going back down the same pipe it came up (the pipe the pump is attached to). And that pipe fitting should be flush/level with the bottom of the tray, allowing the tray to completely empty.
    Like this:
    And your overflow should be set that, when the tray is full, the nutrient solution doesnt get as high as your rockwool cubes, which are in your pots.

  3. I my last post, you need to click that photo twice to see it properly.

    One inch would be around the right height for your seedlings, i think they are 4 days old now, am i right?
    The seedling i grow in jiffy pellet, i keep them under CFLs for around 5 days and then put them under 250 MH lamp, but i don't do the heat test with the back of my hand with young seedlings. At first i keep the lamp around 15" above the seedlings, and gradually lowering it every day or so, until it's about a foot above them. They are pretty young and dont need to be bombarded with a HID lamp.
    When i am starting a seedling off in hydro, i keep the seedling under the CFL until they establish a good nest of roots, then transfer them to the hydro system under HIDs. I found that the HID would dry out the rockwool cube too quickly, while i was waiting for the roots to come through the cubes.
  4. #4 HOLY Roller, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
    I noticed in the picture you posted that when the flood tray drains, it shows some water remaining in it, this is the case with my system, it never drains completely there is some water remaining in the table, though I never measures the amount I would guess it is about 3 - 4 cups of water, and the table is level, its just that the drain/fill fitting sits about 2/16 of an inch above the bottom, I've tried getting answers on this before but nobody could help me or wouldn't, is this a problem or is water in the tray after it drains normal? I realize that is how pythium becomes a problem, but I can't imagine any system with the drain and spill fitting I bought ever draining 100% here's a link to the fittings I bought http: //

    and thanks a lot for helping me again
  5. I would take a small drill bit (1/8" or 3/32") and drill a couple holes on the bottoms of those fittings where they meet your tank, allowing water in at the lowest point allowing the remaining water that is causing you a problem to drain out. Cheap and easy fix (if you are careful).
  6. Yeah, just remove a tiny piece of the top connector, which touches the tray, and use aquarium silicone between the bottom connector and tray to seal just incase of any leaks.
    The way you have it now, with the nutrient exposed to the light, will attract pathogens, and algae (slime) will also form. If this happens, try a little hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), it will get rid of it. But you need to block out the light from the nutrient solution.
  7. the reservoir is out side of the cab in which I am growing so I dont see how this would be possible, I'll try to take some photos to show you the problem

    I don't get what you are saying. Are you saying that I should use caulk and attach the drain/fill fitting to the bottom outside of my flood table? I would be really afraid of a leak happening and that would really suck considering how dangerous it would be with the electrical equipment I mean they aren't on the floor our anything but still dangerous none the least, I am going to go grab my camera and take some picture to show you what I am dealing with so you guys can better help me...

    also I have a cover on the flood table and it is 100% light tight, so the nutrient solution is not exposed to light, so I am not worried about algae but I guess I will see after I get nutes flowing through it

    and again I love that people I have never met are helping me out, thanks a lot guys :hello:
  8. [​IMG]

    this is after I took the rubber gasket off which lowered the drain about 2/16 of an inch down which allowed more water to drain out, but the plastic screen that this fitting comes with adds just a little height so the water drains less than if the screen were not there


    this is after I added a thin piece of wood to the bottom of the side away from the drain tilting it more, I'd say at the most the water left in the flood tray after it drains after I messed with it is no more than 1 cup of water, do you think I can allow that much water to stay in the tray and not loose my plants to root rot, I cant imagine that any ebb and flow system becomes perfectly dry after it drains and there is some water left over, I think I am going to go for it and use it as I intended in the first place as an ebb and flow system. that is if nobody has a reason why I shouldn't.

    btw I built this system myself so it isn't perfect

  9. No mate, when you cut that little nick out of the top part of the connector, making it flush/level with the bottom of the tray, seal the hole thing with aquarium silicone when fitting back together, to make sure that there are not leaks, when you are finished.
  10. #10 HOLY Roller, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
    sorry man I am a hands on kind of learner, its hard to take directions, but are you saying I should cut that little disk that surrounds the bottom of the fitting, or like cut it down so it fits to the bottom, if its not too much trouble could you like draw it out with the pic I put up using ms paint or something showing where I need to cut, I am horrible with directions, I feel like an idiot having to ask that I am sure its rather simple.

    I'm just not sure what you are trying to tell me because if I cut that plastic lip that is what keep the fitting attached and stops it from falling through the hole it is in
  11. Sorry, I didn't see your photos before i posted that comment.
    Yes, cut a tiny piece of that disc, so that whatever water is on the table will flow back down into the pipe, then seal everything with aquarium silicone before screwing back together.
  12. hey man I did that thing you guys suggested and it worked, question though do I have to use aquarium caulk to attatch the fitting or can I use clear bathroom caulk? which is what I have laying arround, but if I have to I can go buy the aquarium silicon its not that expensive

    thanks again for all the, help although I think something is going wrong with my plants, some of the tiny root tips are turning brown and drying up I have another thread about it in this forum with pictures, you seem to know alot if you could take a look at it and give your opinion on what is going wrong that would help me out a lot
  13. Obviously your going to use the system as soon as the silicone is dry, so i'd say go with the non toxic aquarium silicone. If you weren't going to use the system for quite a while, i'd say the ordinary silicone would do rightly.

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