Two Plants, both bag seed. Both plants were placed in damp paper towels over night and transplanted to an egg carton. This was a terrible idea as the plants quickly outgrew the carton and the roots stuck to the bottom of the carton. After peeling the roots from the carton I took the plants, with no dirt intact, and transplanted them as you see them now. It's been about 3 days now, and there hasn't been much growth. However there was a small bit of growth relating to the foliage on Plant B, no height so to speak though. Plant A had a slight growth in height. I'm curious what the chances are of these baby's getting back onto a normal growth cycle is, and if there is something I can do to help them along. *note: Plant B is roughly half the height of a lighter. Temp: 70-80 F. Light: "f17t8 lights of america" it says on the bulb. Seed: Bag Seed Soil: 4 Parts Top Soil/1 Part Peat Moss/1 Part Vermiculite/ 1 Part perlite Closet Setup: Plant A: Plant B:
so did u lose some of the roots during transplanting? How long did you leave it int he carton and how deep did u plant it? If those pictures are 3 days after the transplant, it looks fine to me. Its not dying, so growth should pick back up shortly. As for helping the growth move along as normal, im not too sure about your lighting situation. know any more info about it?
"This lamp is used in Lights of America growlight stick (model # 7020GL). This is a 17 watt T8 fluorescent lamp. It may be used instead of now discontinued LOA 20 watt T10 fluorescent lamp (RB20T10GL)." this is the only info I came across. I don't think I lost any root per say, but I defiantly had to use a bit of pressure to separate the plant from the carton. they were in the carton for about 2-3 days. I planted them about 1/4 of an inch deep, in the carton, and just enough to cover the entire root system when i transplanted.
I have 13w CFL's I can add in, and I could also get a light identical to what you see in the picture to add to it. If I added eather or, would that be enough, at least temporarily till I can pickup something better?
nah, ur transplanting didnt hurt them.. he said they stopped growing after transplanting so they cant and dont looked stretched to me... i think they look pretty good. the light might work for now, but once a new set of leaqves pops out, it will def. need more light to soak in. as of right now, i would add if u have more, but dont worry, they will pick back up shortly
Update: 08-22-08 Growth still seems to be very slow, but I'm not experienced by any means so perhaps it's not so bad....hard to tell xD. There is noticeable growth however. In Martha: Plant A: Plant B:
The dirt drys out on the top of the cocacola pot pretty fast. I have been spraying water over the top layer, fairly lightly to keep it damp. Is this adequit? The other one hasn't dryed out yet so I haven't watered it.
A couple pictures of my newest makeshift light setup, just to add a little more light until I get a decent rig.
Update Day 9: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is plant A. It Appears to be healthy, aside from the fact the top is growing way faster then the stem, making it top heavy. I find my self having to lay objects across the top of the pot to support it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is plant B. This one I'm a little concerned about, the top end is exploding, making it very unstable at the stem. I'm also including a picture that demonstrates the poor quality pot I chose, and how the roots are already reaching the bottom, likely to start sprouting out the holes I cut into the bottom of the 1 Liter bottle. Someone said in another forum I should wait a week or two, until I cut it in half vertically and transplant into a larger pot. I'm curious If a week or two might be to late? I'm guessing the reason for the small stem and huge top is the lack of room for the roots to expand horizontally. Any advise for this one is greatly appreciated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And last a picture of my current light setup. It's nothing spectacular, but I'm working on getting something better.
Day 17: Well It has been 17 days now and lookin' good. I am very suprised after all the stress these plants have been through, they bolth appear to extremely healthy(also taking into consideration the low amount of light they have). I would like to share with you all my experience so far with my soil makeup. The pictures I will provide should explain in and of themselves. They have all manner of nutrients and so far the plants appear to be loving it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, lets start with my soil mix first. for recap the mix is 4:1:1:1. in practice that will be done in batches of: 10 cups top soil 2.5 cups Vermiculite 2.5 cups Per lite 2.5 cups Sphagnum Peat Moss --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now on to plant A: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And Plant B: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One last Picture of my entire setup(excluding a decent size fan off to the right): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no additional nutrients have been added yet, I suppose I will just wait until they tell me they need them(if they do?). I am also only using tap water, unfiltered thus far. <gogo 3 year old bagseed!
Hey Guy, Not to shabby. Couple things one I dont see any fans whatsoever that could be a reason why they are so top heavy, get a decent wind blowing across your plants as soon as possible and those stems will thicken right up.(unless youve already done this.) I also wanted to note, that i always rinse my MG perlite in a tub of water before i used it, because its, as you saw, pre ferted, its very mild though and at 17 days your plants may actually like it. Welp, Good luck!!!
I actually installed a fan like 3 days ago. the problem was that I started in an egg carton and Plant A you see here was left in way to long, with nowhere to grow down it shot up. so now here I am with a ridiculously tall plant for it's size. however now that the roots have room to grow the plant is bushing out some, and with the fan it's getting much, much stronger. I'll keep that in mind about the perlite, might be a good idea for young sprouts, and also to load it up with water before the initial mix, so it does not dry the pot out so fast upon transplanting. <thanks for the tips!
Day 20: Here is Plant A, after transplanting, hopefully I wont have to do it again : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is Plant B: If you magnify the second plant B picture, you can see small green hair like things growing from the stem. Are these early signs of flowers? I'm guessing It isn't possible to tell the actual sex yet.
hope you get a girl, but if the bagseed was good smoke keep a male seperate and polenate afew branches to get some seeds for another grow anyway all looking good now, dont see any problems appart from they were a little stretched
Day 24 Quick update, I started using Miracle Grow Pro Select. I started with a 1/4 strength, tonight was the first dose. I'll post pics tommarow to see how they look after the first 24 hours. Total Nitrogen ........................20% 5.9% ammoniacal Nitrogen 6.0% Nitrate nitrogen 8.1% Urea Nitrogen Available Phosphate...............20% Soluble Potash.......................20% Boron.................................. .02% Copper................................ .05% .05% Water Soluble Copper Iron.................................... .10% .10% Chelated Iron Manganese.......................... .05% .05% Water Soluble Magnesium Molybdenum........................ .0005% Zinc.................................... .05% .05% Water Soluble Zinc
Update day 31: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plant A: As you can see I topped this one, I'm a little concerned about one of the 2 very top growths, it has looked malformed since it started growing. Hopefully it isn't broken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant B: This plant is still going strong, aside from what appears to be a couple small burns, likely from the introduction of ferts recently. I'm suprised how thick/bushy it is.
Update Day 36: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Plant A: This one has been Been topped because it was just growing way to fast vertically. I also topped one of the top branches today, along with some leaves, because they were malformed. Everything else looks excellent on this one, the entire plant is one dark shade of green. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Plant B: This plant has had some foliage issues ranging from spotting on the leaves to some drying out on the leaves. Today I did some pruning to get rid of all the infected areas, well see if the problem is gone. I suspect the spotting was due to spider mites, so i will be getting some traps for it soon. Overall this plant is extremely thick and bushy, with branches shooting up almost vertical, I think it will make a nice plant in the end, should it be female. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Room: Here is a pictures of the updated setup. I put an old T12 light I had in the basement until I get my new one. It is 2x 4' T12 40watt 6500k
Update day 59: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Plant A: this one still seems like it's going strong. I don't see any signs of sex to speak of on the main stem at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant B: same here. possibly showing signs of sex, as you can probably somewhat make out in the picture, though it is hard to tell small as it is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------