I was thinking of buying this as mi fisrt bong. My budget is very small 100$- including shipping http://www.grasscity.com/img/products/ehle_250ice_t.jpgEHLE Glass - Ice Cylinder Bong (Hexagon Foot) - 250ml would this be good or do you guys have better options or anything
its a good bong but very thin so you have take very good care for it because it's not forgiving. check that same site for Boost bongs they have some nice ones for around $40 ( I know for a fact that the beaker does not have a carb) both boost and EHLE are made in germany
This one is better I think. I have one and its soooo legit. It hits very smooth and is mad cheap for all that you get, you can put ice in it too. oh yea and it has both a diffuser and a perc. Molino Mad Scientist V2 - Dutch - Grasscity.com
I've got a china glass bong of that style. Ice pinch is a bit different. The walls are VERY thick, however the base is alot thinner glass. Luckily I haven't busted it yet, but I picked it up for $40 at a headshop. I'd definitely recomend that style/shape of bong. Good luck!