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First FIRECRACKERS-with keef- and pics :-)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ridnkawie4life, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I made my first EVER firecracker tonight!! I was searchin the house for some peanut butter FOREVER and couldn't find any nutless PB all i found was chunky. It was really watery as it had not been touched in a while, so i proceeded to stir it with a knife, it was semi runny now, like molasses. So I start to look for graham crackers, cant find them, cant find saltines, so i grabbed a ritz cracker, spread the gooey pb onto it, brought the pb cracker down to my room (rents were asleep upstairs, didnt wanna wake them) and dumped my keef out onto a piece of paper. Poured the keef onto the top of the cracker and pb and went to the preheated to 330 degree over, and popped in the cracker after wrapping it in aluminum foil. 21 minutes later DING! bring the hot tray to my room and let the firecracker cool. I then ate the firecracker :) and now, MYYYYY FUCCCKKKINNGGGG GOOODDDNEEEESSSSSSSS :-o I am so fucking high, i was skeptical at first, 15 minutes in i was only feeling a light buzz, so i thought i didnt do it right. But NOW here I am, highhh assSS SHITTT! try this with KEEF everyone, it is incredible!!

    Ritz cracker
    aluminum foil
    330 degrees
    21 minutes


  2. I made my first sucessful batch of firecrackers yesterday man, and hell yeah, HELL YEAH! I can't remember last night at all.
  3. man, EFF dealing!! im gonna start baking and selling my baked products :) i could sold that cracker for like 10 bucks!!! lol
  4. Haha good shit man, welcome to the incredible world of edibles.

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