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first fire pickup ever..and first thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HazedOut, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. picked up some silver haze the other day. 25 a gram. it had three little nuggets but i only took pics of two. not the best pic but my d80's lens isnt the best for micros. or i just dont know how to use it right :p

    i took a steamroller hit and smoked about .4 out of my metal bowl. and so far its been amazing haha. this is the first time i ever smoked anything past headies. its been like a really nice head high ? thats how i feel. soon im smoking out of my boys bong and ill let you know how it really taste.

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  2. dense nuggies :)
  3. woord up dude, enjoy that shit. best weed i ever smoked was some silver haze when i was in humboldt county california. shit just kept building off of the last time we smoked, instead of wearing off it seemed haha.
  4. Look like some pretty nice nugs, enjoy that! dank tastes way better too.

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