hi I'm a first time grower and planning on using nivanas solitabs and flowertabs for my AutoFrisians dew which will be going outdoors in Ireland.was just wondering have any ye used these tabs before and how much should I put in???
You don't need any cannabis specific fertilizers.. Any basic powder tomato or veg plant food at 1/2 strength mixed in at transplant is enough for an outside grow.. Go organic and just use kelp meal and alfalfa meal-pellets.. Got access to aged horse manure?? Start a worm farm.. Lots of ways to grow it with locally found low cost materials.. BNW
Yah have access to house manure and worm castings but I bought them tabs of nirvana and kinda want put them to use or it would just be a waste of money,they said that that are a 100% organic don't know about that. Have you ever heard of these and how much should I use?
Hey. This is my first grow as well. I was kind of experimenting with it. Not sure how much longer to grow
Couldn't find all that much but I did find this ================================= The soiltabs are just a concentrated fertilizer. This kind of fertilizer is not revolutionary or new. (These have been around for at least 40 years.) I would not put these in with my seedlings or clones. I would never put anything that strong on any plant I grow in a pot. Maybe a full grown tree or shrub but never a small annual plant. For those who don't want to read here's the composition of the Nirvana soiltabs: They have a nitrogen-phosphate-potassium ratio of 14-6-6. And the flowertabs are just mycorrhizae. Which is a cool idea and since they are in tab form probably easy to pop in. If you use the flower tabs they won't be beneficial if you also use any synthetic fertilizers. You'll probably kill them off before they do any good. ================================================================== Since it doesn't come with directions it's likely they intend on a tab per plant but there is no way to correct if it's overdosing.. I'd smash up a tab and soak say a 1/4 worth of a tab in some water over night and water your plant a bit with it.. It's like playing Russian roulette with your plants though.. You won't know for about a week if it did good or harmed it.. BNW