Hello, im gonna be growing 2 plants, each in a 5 gallon dwc with a 3 watt air pump per bucket, with 2 4 inch air stones per bucket. Im doing all cfls, 20 total, 12 on a piece of plywood that can be adjusted up and down, and 2 4 foot PVC "track lights" i created each with 4 cfls, in diagonal opposing corners. I will be installing 2 intake 120mm fans (top and bottom of closet) and 2 exhaust inline fans with carbon to filter smell out of the door of the closet. i plan on growing sour diesel and white widow (not in same closet, have 2 identical closets [2 sours in one closet and 2 widows in the other]) i will have a small clip on fan in the closet to keep wind resistance on my stems. i plan on using AN nutes (Sensigrow & bloom) i was just posting to get some insight on my setup before i start buying everything. all info is helpful info! if you need more info from me to give me helpful info just ask and ill tell you whatever you need to know. Thank you n advanced! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us