First day of college

Discussion in 'General' started by Bdead1420, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. For anyone who has already been through this, and can give me some tips that are actually helpful, Monday is my first day of college
    any advice?
  2. It was just like normal class when I went. Nothin' special. A lot of the kid bullshit drama from high school stops.

    I only did a year though I ended up getting a job that didn't go well with school so I dropped out after that.
  3. Best advice I can give you in any situation in life - don't over think it
  4. Buy your textbooks, show up, and read the syllabus.
    • Keep all your Syllabi in your binder, folder, or whatever it is you keep all your things in.
    • Don't treat college like high school. All, if not most, professor will NOT extend due dates and don't accept late work.
    • I'm not sure if you used it for this semester, but is a great resource for finding awesome professors. I use it every semester.
    • Try to establish a relationship with your professors.You can use them for recommendation letters later! Even a short 5 minute introduction at the end of the class can make the biggest difference. It shows that you care about your education. They've got a lot of students, so chances are they aren't going to know your name. I've had a few professors that actually make an effort to remember names (and these were professors I found on [​IMG]) But get them to remember you - in a good way.

    Other than that, it's just high school at a much more advanced level. Don't procrastinate, study, organize everything, yadda yadda yadda- Just the usual stuff you've been hearing for the past 13 years.

    College is a lot of fun. Just be calm, it's nothing to overthink and stress about.
    Good Luck!


  5. #6 PatrickXy6dC, Aug 23, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    Have fun! College was the best part of my life.

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