Anyone else got a pic of their first bong??? This is mine, just cleaned her! She's still holding strong too haha. Anyone know if she's china or not? Won't bother me if she is because she rips like a total beast!
Nicely done! Looks similar to mine! Wow nice, how much and from where? Nice! Keep tokin' mate! Nice. Lovin' these pics!
I have a pic but idk how to post a picture on my phone. Mine is 18", 4 arm tree perc, ash catcher, ice notches and diffused downstem. She rips so smooth. I love her and named her medusa. I'll post a pic once I get a chance to go on the computer
HAHAHHAAH LOOOLOLOLOLLOOLLOLOOLLO. i have neeevvverrrrr seen a fake non gong roor before. they were all at least gong. BUT WHY WUD U PAY $60 for a $10 bong?????? u cudve gotten a custom creations straight tube for $60
Nice bongs so far everyone! Looking good! Please no rudeness or judging. After all, this is the "FIRST Bong" thread... I don't think 90% of the people here knew what they were doing before they got their bong.
Here is mine smokewire triple honeycomb that I fill with ice regurarly...I have few nice bowls for it and I was just about to take a hit
[quote name="Brown Bread" post="19362035" timestamp="1390026893"]One on the left. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] How do you like that dynomite tube? I am thinking of buying a straight tube from them. I love the one you got looks super smooth. If you don't mind me asking, how much was it?
Here's my first bong. I've had it for a couple months now. Sent from my SPH-M840 using Grasscity Forum mobile app