First bong ever

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Relted, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. This is the first bong I have ever bought:hello:

    Its a 10" pipe that is really basic and cheap but it hits like a monster so far. I got it for $40 and its pretty think glass without bubbles or imperfections:D

    Attached Files:

  2. looks good man
  3. Thick. Beaker bottom. Ice pinches. Solid pick up for 40 bucks man.
  4. Heres a video of me ripping it a couple times

    [ame=]Bong Rips - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Im so stoned this thing is sick
  6. That is a shit ton of water my man. D: looks like a solid piece though! Some diffusion would make it better, maybe buy a diffused downstem? :smoke:
  7. Yea i'd cut that amount of water in half lol.
  8. Really how come?

  9. You only need 1 inch to 2 inches maximum of water covering the down stem. It will make it easier to rip, because right now you have to move way too much water with suction to pull the smoke down and out the downstem.
  10. Oh gotcha less drag with less water makes sense.
  11. Pack smaller bowls, don't set it down to hard or it will break, but I can't for the love of me figure out why it doesn't milk at all...
  12. Hey bro- i normally am not a fan of grommet bongs-

    But yours rips GREAT!

    Prett thick glass- classy lookin ice pinch!

    Nice pickup-

    (at college? haha- thats what those window hits reminded me of:smoke::hello:)


    +5 points for asking 'why' when people commented on drag- rather than getting mad and arguing.
    Thats a good attitude to have!

    Stay lit- stay happy bro!
    (did you like the ice in those rips??)
  13. Looks like it's time to invest in a Grinder........
  14. Yeah I'm in an apartment building so I dont want it to smell indoors so I blow it out a window or go on the deck. And yeah I should get a grinder but I have never used them so I never think about wanting one gaha idk If this is making sense because I am quite high haha just ripped it a sec ago
  15. u have a sweet head shop to get that for 40 bucks
  16. A solid first bong! mine was a piece of shit. lol :bongin:
  17. Who wants a milk vid tonight? And yeah I think it's pretty sweet so far.
  18. [quote name='"washedmothafuka"']Pack smaller bowls, don't set it down to hard or it will break, but I can't for the love of me figure out why it doesn't milk at all...[/quote]

    Idk what you mean by not milking. When i take a slow hit it turns completely opaque
  19. another milk vid bro :D
  20. [quote name='"Bubba Kus"']another milk vid bro :D[/quote]

    I'm on it

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