I was looking at other threads about EHLE vs RooR. So far I narrowed it down to two: ROOR - Blue Series Bong - 100ml - 14.5mm - Bongs and Waterpipes - Smoking Pipes - Grasscity.com OR EHLE Glass Bong 3.2mm - Straight Ball Ice - Online Shop Both are roughly the same price and 3.2mm, but as you can see the RooR is a straight tube and 9in while the EHLE is bubble bottom, has ice notches and is 11in. I like RooRs but not so fond of the price with the specs it has and I don't really prefer straight tubes. Not really familiar with EHLE though, but from the threads I've been reading, it's a reliable brand. I'm looking for a compact bong that is quality glass, sturdy, long-lasting and durable, and so far these two fit. Any suggestions on which one would be best? Haha that post was longer than I thought
Id go with the roor, but honestly there are so many fake roors out there its hard to tell whats really real anymore so id just stay away from the brand entirely. look into HVY and Dynamite. they make compact sized pieces and they use borosilicate so they'll be tough to break
I would go with the RooR. I have two RooRs and I love them plus there durable as hell. My 2 foot has tipped over twice now and never broke. You should get the Roor if you want a raw fully flavored milky hit.
I would def get a roor because it's probably the only company out there that doesn't really advertise and solely focuses on quality pieces at extremely fair prices. Oh wait.
[quote name='"boobtree"']I would def get a roor because it's probably the only company out there that doesn't really advertise and solely focuses on quality pieces at extremely fair prices. Oh wait.[/quote] Lol. And I put my vote in for SSFG. Much better value. I was thinking the same thing you were at one time and I just decided to get my tube from soulshine. Soooo happy I did. Cheaper, and thicker glass. Good luck with your decision
Thanks for the input guys! But it's only making my decision harder haha. I like RooR's but I'm not sure if it's really me, since I've never really smoked out of another quality brand. And I think for me to buy one, it's much too plain for my taste considering the price tag. I really like the look of HiSi and the prices of SSFG are pretty awesome. I also really like HVY and MGW but I'm not liking the prices, and I haven't seen any 12' or under bongs by that brand so far so it'll be a hassle to hide when I'm home from college. I'm going to check out my lhs to see if they have any brands like those and shop around some more though