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First blunt... FML

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RedEyedJedi420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 RedEyedJedi420, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    So I bought a pack of grape swishers and I tried rolling one. When I cut it down the midle with my fingers some of the leaf ripped off. So I put all my bud in and I start rolling then i lick the top to seal it and it doesnt seal. Then i try again and the whole leaf ripped in half. Fuck! Help me out

  2. #2 GutteralShiva, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    You're supposed to lick/blow on it to get it moist BEFORE you do anything. Unless its just really stale. And having thumbnails helps with tucking. Just smoke some other way. Cigar smoke wasn't meant to be inhaled.
  3. research, and practice, practice, practice. it's the only way.
  4. If you can't split it with your fingers use a knife to slice it
  5. x2 i tried rolling about 4-5 till I got it to where it was not embarrassing to show people. it was worth the few bucks for a pack of swishers.
  6. #6 DankyDan, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Blunts are unbelievably overrated.

    In an effort to not be another useless poster. When I first started learning to roll joints I bought a pack of zigs and some American Spirit and spent like 3 hours practicing. Like everything else in life, practice makes perfect. When I was big on blunts, my friend had a big ass box of strawberry Phillies and we used like 5 each learning how to roll them well enough that we could smoke them. After that we just got better every time we smoked up, good times.

  7. You can also buy these little blunt splitter things for like 5 bucks, its a little tube with a a razor in it. they work like a charm :D

    Also when I roll bleezys it seems to be easier to start from the mouth piece of the wrap to the end. (left to right) ha

  8. :confused:

  9. lololol yeah i caught that too. I decided to stay out of that one.
  10. #10 Elegant_Smoker, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    This is how I do it whether you do it different it all works out the same. This is the procsess that way that works easiest for me. The only way your gonna get good tho is through practice you mgiht learn quick or maybe slow

    1.Split down the blunt

    2. Get it moist whether you exhale on it or moisten your lips and run down the blunt with the backs of your lips real quick

    3.Evenly displace the weed placing a small amount less at the end

    4. (optional) With your finger horizantal light pack down the weed so it rolls easier

    5. Start from the left and move the paper back and forth using your thumbs use your index fingers for suport from the back (don't try to completely tuck it yet just get the weed packed down)

    6. From the left again move the paper back and forth until the mouthpiece tucks completely than follow through tucking the rest one part at a time about an inch and a half each time

    7. roll it up until about an inch of paper is left

    8.Using the back of lips again moisten the excess paper

    9.Roll it up completely now use your lips one last time to moisten the outside where the paper stuck like your chucking corn (don't slobber on it just a lil bit of saliva)

    10. (optional) put the flame under the blunt and run it side to side to dry it up

    Light that shit
  11. I just started rolling blunts about a week ago. I wet the paper in a line down the cigar and then cut it with a razor. Then I start at the mouth end and roll like an inch at a time tucking the bottom paper in and folding the top over wetting it so itll stick. Just be patient and don't try to put too much green in it or youll make it harder than it has to be. I recommend Phillies over Swishers though, not as harsh imo.
  12. blunts are hard to roll, i thought it was the same way to roll a joint, man i was wrong :(

    thanks for the advice elegant, now i wont have to smoke other people's spit ;)
  13. #13 turnadaburna, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    i consider myself a blunt rolling expert so heres my advice

    1. lick the outside..dont get it dripping wet but still get the whole thing moist

    2. since your starting off dont use your fingers to break it open just get a knife with a smooth blade..rough edges will fuck your leaf up

    3. take out all the guts

    4. dependin on how big you want your blunt tear about 1/2-1 inch off the end (the round end..ive always called it the booty)

    5. slightly pull apart the 2 leaves on the end you just tore from and remove in inner layer(cancer paper)

    6. i differ from someone people here but i just lick the edges and use my lips to seal it back together can use your hands if it helps

    7. put weed inside while its still moist from resealing

    8. start at one end and make sure you get the first tuck good and then slowly make your way to the other end...its key here to be firm enough to get it to do what you want but not rough enough to tear it

    9. after youve got it rolled pretty good start at one end and use your tongue and lips to get it to stick..use as much saliva as you need to right now..take your time with this and as you move along you can tuck it a little tighter before you seal it

    10. enjoy

    hope this helps man

    edit..just realized i left out a step when it comes to splitting it...on the open end find any of the seems and cut it a little on the side of it
  14. if ur ripping when u split the blunt down with your fingers, make sure you're not pulling. press on both sides of the seam, it should crack down the middle. dont try and pull it apart, it'll just rip.
  15. Blunts are the way to go, learning will be well worth it. If you have looked at the tutorials on here the only thing that is gona make it easier is to roll alot of blunts :smoke:
    the less you can wet the wrap the better, but that means you need a nice fresh cigar. Try to find ones that come in resealable packaging (like with a little zip lock seal at the top). Smoked at least 1 blunt a day for a little over a year, you pick up tricks as you go. Dont worry it gets easier!
  16. Well I tryed again and finally got it! i know its sort of ugly! who cares!

  17. Doesn't really matter if it's ugly, long as it doesn't run like a track star and burns pretty decent..if you can get some fat rips, and you end up stoned at the end then damn..congrats.
  18. swishers arent blunts bro, use a dutchmaster.
  19. Lol...well we're all entitled to our own opinions, aren't we.

    Also doubt he could roll a blunt with a dutchy for his first time too..
  20. Haha. You can defiantly roll a blunt with swishers. You dont gotta use blunt wraps. :rolleyes:

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