Calgary 420 Marijuana Community First Annual Western Canadian Hemp Festival! When: July 21, 22, 23 weekend Friday to Sunday Where: Southern Alberta, close to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump. Camping area will be available. Hemp and food and health vendors on site as well as other types of vendors. Live bands, guest speakers, glass art being made on site, games, information and more. Additionally we would like to tie in Grant Krieger's birthday celebrations as well! Grants birthday is to wards the end of July but we will just celebrate it a little early this year is all. Vendors, bands and all others that would like to attend please contact Keith Fagin for details. Event that will be happening in Fort McLeod concurrently South Country Fair Fort McLeod Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump Keith Fagin (403) 863-2071
OK we have lots of interest in having a annual Alberta Hemp Festival. We did have a line on some land but it turned out it is sacred land with many ancient artifacts there. Very nice property right along the Oldman River in southern Alberta. It would be impossible to police everyone there all the time. We decided it would only end up hurting our message and group if something was taken or destroyed. So we need some private land to use (rent) for a weekend. I can get us a location but it is north of Edmonton by about 2 or 3 hours sadly. Anyone know of a private land owner wanting to make some money renting a chunk of private land south of Edmonton to Southern Alberta for a weekend Please contact me as soon as possible. Keith Fagin (403) 863-2071 PM me for toll free phone number in Canada and USA