Fireworks, a victimless crime?

Discussion in 'General' started by Tbika, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. Well, i live here in NY where basically ALL fireworks are illegal. Now most of use here feel that one of the reasons weed should be legal is because it's a victimless crime. If i'm smoking a bowl, and i dont hurt or endanger another human being, then theres no crime. But fireworks can go both ways. On the one hand, fireworks can be used responsibly and not hurt anyone. On the other hand, sometimes you get duds, which dont go off at the right time, or the firework tips over and shoots randomly in another direction, not to mention people being completely irresponsible, like shooting mortars on the ground (something i saw tonight) and doing other careless things which really can endanger the health of any unwilling people who may be near by, if you're using fireworks in a public place.

    so whats your opinion. Are fireworks a victimless crime?
  2. Looks like you answered your own question there. There are victoms if people use it irrisponsibly so no. Bad things happen, therefore there are victoms.
  3. Fireworks r fun and dangerous bro I mean you can loose eyes and fingures and shit, but I don't care I still like to play with them, but I do not think they cannot be used to hurt people on purpose, It could happen. ;) JOE>
  4. #5 Floydian, Jul 5, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  5. Fireworks are a victimless crime if you're not a dumbass with them. LoL
  6. As much as i love fireworks, I'd hate to see it legal here in Arizona. There would be a shit load more fires.
  7. Fuck fireworks.

    oohhh light oohh noise!

    look at me, i'm a little moth-like human being drawn to the cheapest common denomenator of entertainment, oooohhh!

    I can think of 5 more useful, more entertaining things to do without getting up that watching fireworks.
  8. Sigh, our govt should just let natural selection take its course.
  9. I agree.

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