I've recently decided to grow the great plant that i smoke I'm using two long tube 40 Watt fluorescent lights that i found in my garage, as well as two 20 Watt CFL's, and im going to Meijer today to get two more 20 Watters I put them in soil after germinating them on August 30th. The first sprout, i discovered that baby today Note to self: do not use duct tape to hang lights Also, i bought some Tomato/Vegetable plant food, when should i add this into my soil? Happy Toking! EDIT: I got the two other lights, so now i have 160 watts of lighting . The only sprouted plant is doing nicely.
Two more sprouts just showed up. As i was moving them i dropped one, it tipped over and a little of the white part is showing, i did my best to fill the soil back in as best as possible. It should be fine im thinking.
I have 4 plants growing succesfully, and one that is staying a little sprout as it has been for a few days. I don't really car if it makes it, since i think 4 will be enough to keep my hands full for a while. I added two 15watt cfl's to the ends to ensure the plants on the end get sufficient lighting as well. Here's the largest, but second oldest one And here's the oldest one, second largest The others a smaller but are doing very good . How much water should i be giving these, i noticed the soil was dry today when i put my finger in to i gave them 10 sprays out of a spray bottle each. Does this sound about right?
You may want to try and get those lights down to a couple inches away from your plants, and run them horizontaly instead of vertical, it gives them more light.
That looks really nice. If you can get some white paint you may want to cover everything in that. Or Mylar if you can find it or order it. It will make a HUGE difference. Otherwise looking great! Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm deff. gonna get some Mylar in the next few days to cover it up with. They seem to be doing very well with the exception of the oldest (10 days) which i accidentally tipped over while taking a few pics. I put the spilled soil back into the cup and made sure it was firm around the plant. The two biggest leaves are drooping a bit and they are turning slightly yellow. Tipped over plant: Second oldest, doing the best: Here's the other two that arent as big: This little guy has been struggling it seems like, he's been the size of this for a few days. I'm not really worried, since 4 plants should be enough anyways if i dont have really bad luck. Here's a pic of my new setup (2 more lights added), so i have 190 watts now. Is distilled water good to use, because that's what i have been watering them with, a few squirts every other day pretty much.
btw u can pretty much tell ur doing something wrong with ur plant wen the first growing plants like leaves and everything have purple stems... but after they have grown in they color wont change... but coming stright out the dirt purple is abad sign.. hold off on the water and put more light on the individual plants
id mix in your tomato food after the plants get root-bound in the cups they're in now. lookin good, keep it up. i like bagseed grows... i'll stop by soon =)
They should have plennttyy of light, that plant is the only one with the stem like that im pretty sure. edit: yeah, i can see the roots from the outside of the cups hitting the walls of it. Im a little hesitant to add any plant food since i dont want to screw them up. Should the plant food i posted in the first post work good, or should i use miracle grow that you mix in with the water?
btw u can pretty much tell ur doing something wrong with ur plant wen the first growing plants like leaves and everything have purple stems... but after they have grown in they color wont change... but coming stright out the dirt purple is abad sign.. hold off on the water and put more light on the individual plants
This is just not true.Infact the opisite is true.purple on young plants is ofetn fine and nothing to worry about while purple on older plants is more often P deficiency.look for other symptoms like dark smallish leaves and yellowing of the leaf edges to accompany the purple stems when there is a deficiency.
I'm thinking they are getting too cold. I left the fans on full bast (one oscilating, and one exhaust one in the background) when it stormed last night, and the temps went lowwww, to 50ish i think. It's 67.1 right now (not in the grow room, i dont have a thermometer) and the fans are off, hopefully they perk up soon.
The plants have now been moved to my basement underneath my stairs so they dont have to endure the colder temps. I have also came up with a much better lighting plan.
Sorry for lack of updates, my plants are all yellow on the tips of the leaves and two are drooping badly, the other two are growing nice, but still have the yellow. Plant 5 This little guy doesn't want to grow fast at all, he's hanging on though. He was planted at the same time as all the other plants. Plant 1 This one is the worst. Plant 2 This ones growing good. Plant 3 This is the other one growing good, this one seems a lot more bushier Plant 4 This is the other one doing not so good Im using just regular tomato growing soil, i haven't used any nutes at all. I've been watering once every two days, about 10 sprays from a spray bottle. IDK what to do to get rid of the yellowing problem!
I flushed out the soil in 3 new big pots, and 2 party cups. I transplated two into the party cups already (plant 5 and 1), im gonna put the rest in the new soil later today, pics to follow
DAY 30 I got rid of two of the smallest plants to accommodate my space. I now have 3 growing, i got two new 42 watt CFL's in the middle. Im thinking about pre flowering to sex them then take out the males and veg them again, would that be a good idea?
Depends on what you want. It is a good way to get rid of the males so you can dedicate all space/light to the females. This is what I do. Ofcourse, when going for seed it's a no-no.
So far 1 female, 1 male, 1 ???. Male: http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/nolimitsdude313/?action=view¤t=IMG_2748.jpg This is on the same plant, maybe a hermi? http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/nolimitsdude313/?action=view¤t=IMG_2768.jpg Female: http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/nolimitsdude313/?action=view¤t=IMG_2765.jpg Mystery plant: http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/nolimitsdude313/?action=view¤t=IMG_2756.jpg They're back on 24/24 but i might go back to 12 12 for a few days to sex the other one. Ive been having leave issues/slight drooping... here's what im talking about. This is the mystery plant: The female is not nearly as bad, the leaves look nice except for the bottom few, its just drooping I gave the 3 plants what was in this bottle, it was pretty much full when i started http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/nolimitsdude313/IMG_2767.jpg Any suggestions to get em figured out would be very appreciated!!