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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by olylongbord11, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. So my parents caught me smoking weed in my house [im 18, still got a year and a half left tell i get my AA] and they said that if the house caugh ton fire that firefighters would search the house and if they found anything such as a bong, then it could cause some serious legal trouble, is this true?
  2. how would the house catch on fire from smoking weed? You would have to try
  3. I meant if there was a house fire in general, and they found the weed and what not
  4. I understand what you're saying. Well I'm not actually sure about that never heard it
  5. Yes, possibly if they found resin in the bowl.

    You know what.
    This is actually a really good question.
    It depends on how badly burnt the house is, if they find it (obviously) and if the fire fighter really cares.

    A fire fighter could see something vary valuable in a house or possibly a person and not actually save them or it. It's in their job description, possible oath their swear to abide by and part of the reason they exist.

    It would be up to the FF. if they wanted to bring it to the authorities and possibly be hated by the user or entire family for possibly causing more grief.
    A family who's house burnt down is shitty enough, let alone illegal seizure.

    I dunno the laws around seizures where a warrant was not issued or the police had no reason or was aware of it... If that makes any sense.

    Like a cop can't come to any random door, knock and enter and take a bong that they find in the house and smash it. They have to have warrant or reason to enter and all that legal shit, and it probably spreads to the case of a house burning.
  6. Hey guys, my fathers a firefighter and im currently looking to become one at the moment.

    Usually after a fire, the fire marshall will look for a cause of the fire. Depending on how bad the fire is, they sometimes find a cause, sometimes they don't. If they do suspect that you were smoking weed and your house burned down, it really depends on the fire marshall's decision.

    He can either make something up, label is as an unknown cause, or say it was because you were smoking the reefer. If it's the last one, many insurance companies probably wouldn't cover your homes damages, and you'd be out of a lot of money sir.
  7. what if the bong wasnt in use at the time of the fire?
    could it still cause problems?
  8. I'd say if you were in the house when it started, then you would have a pretty good idea of where it started (or didn't start). And with that information, the marshal would conduct their search of the cause within that area.

    If the house was empty, well then they wouldn't be able to say it was caused from smoking weed.

    Eitherway, if your house is on fire, hide your stash and grab your cat and get outta there!
  9. I think i would have bigger things to worry about if my house practically burnt down then a firefighter knowing i smoke weed.
  10. Normally i would too, but apparently they could seize the house if someone decides to press charges

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