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firecrackers without cooking ?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by rockage, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. here's my story:

    i have about quad of some decent bud. Im looking to make some edibles that don't require microwaving or heating or cooking or anything. I read somewhere that you can just use peanutbutter and make a firecracker but let them sit out for a day or two. Is this true, do they work like that ? if not anything i can make ?
  2. You are surrounded by the answers to your questions! But in short, no, it won't work that way :) Almost every recipe on the first page here in the edibles section, is about firecrackers. And at least a third of them cover why you shouldn't make a heat-less edible, unless you are prepared to wait several weeks, to several months, and at the risk of your end product spoiling before the cannabinoid conversion is complete.

    Read a few threads, you'll thank yourself when you gain the tools (knowledge) to make an edible that can really knock your socks off :)
  3. As BadKitty said, most non-cook edibles can take forever, longer than the average stoner is gonna want to wait. I highly advise cooking, as it is much more reliable, and quicker.
  4. Several Weeks to Several Months?

    Most threads I have read says 2-3 days.

    Have you actually tried it to see?
  5. Are you starting with decarbed bud or is this what you’re attempting to avoid?
  6. I'm pretty sure weed has to burn/heat up to activate....thats why people smoke it
    Just eat plain weed why wait to waste your it now
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. The person who made this thread might not even be alive anymore. Hahahaha
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Wow!! 2011!!! My oversight!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Because eating it gets you 5 times higher than smoking it because it is processed through your Liver.

    So it is a much better value.

    Even if it wasn't I hate Vaping so eating is always a plus.
  10. No unfortunately this is not true my friend leaving baked fire crackers for a few days does increase the potency but they need to be Cooked. Thc needs heat and fat to be effective if you don’t do any cooking it’s literally impossible to make a edible because raw cannabis will not get you high without heat I.e burning vaping or cooking. Two most important must follow rules to making edibles you must decarb properly and you must have some sort of fat the thc can absorb into. Anyone who says otherwise is just inexperienced with edibles or straight out lying to you mate. Hope this helps if you’re interested in making some proper edibles let me know and I could give you some recipes that might help you out cheers mate have a good day
    • Like Like x 1

  11. Ops 9 years old don't think they need advice anymore dude lol
  12. Well Guess What.

    It Worked and it was Amazing !!!!

    I am Glad I didn't De-Carb the Weed as I Probably would be Sleeping for a Week.

    It took Forever and I didn't think it was going to Work.

    But after 3 Hours it Did.

    Usually I will start feeling Edibles in a Half Hour and will be at Full Potency at around 2 Hours.

    I didn't even start to feel anything until 2.5 Hours after I took it.

    To be Fair I did Things Differently than I normally do.

    When I started using Edibles (5-20 MG) I would Drink a Ton of Black Tea to keep me from Falling asleep.

    But as my Tolerance grew I stopped that and went to Empty Stomach because when I Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach I get much Drunker so I figured it must be the same for weed.

    I was also doing Edibles daily before.

    This time I had not done any Edibles for 2 Weeks and No Cannabis at all for 3 Days.

    This is possibly my problem (Not Tolerance but eating on an Empty Stomach).

    I read that when you do that the Weed Burns up too Fast in your Liver because it was Starving for Food.

    So I ate a ton of Fries and there was also probably a cup of oil in that concoction.

    It was Literally the Second Best High I have Ever had (That I can Remember LOL).

    I also thought it wouldn't work because I thought the oil would be nasty because it was homemade but I didn't taste any weed whatsoever.

    I also did something else.

    I have been taking Fish Oil Omega Three Twice a Day for a Few Months now but read people were doing 3,000 MG a day and I was doing 1,000 to 2,000

    So that day I did 6,000 MG

    Also, I used to take it right before I used but this time I did it three times during the day (The last time a couple hours before I took the oil).

    My Theory was that because Fish Oil Cleans your Receptors maybe it was counterproductive to take them right before. Like I felt that Maybe I took the weed and it should make me high but then the pills cleaned off the receptors right away and prevented me from getting properly high.

    So I took a bunch in morning and mid day to clean my receptors to get a better high.

    What do you guys think?

    Was all of this caused from

    - Taking Fish Oil Omega 3 Pills right before using instead of earlier in the day?
    - Using Marijuana on an Empty Stomach?

    Is this why I went from 5-10 MG and being Dead to the World Passed out on the Couch for 8 Hours to doing 542 MG at one time and feeling barely anything.

    Next I will try the Peanut Butter Method which I read was better and instead of One Week it will be 12 Days (I am a Little Scared :()
  13. #13 CannibusGuy, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020

    That is it.

    - 1 Gram Ground Marijuana
    - Mix in Oil
    - Shake at least Once a Day
    - After 1 Week Drink

    That is it.

    P.S. I used Vegetable because that is all I had but Everyone Recommends Coconut Oil because it is High in Saturated Fat. Vegetable Oil is Low in Saturated Fat so It doesn't work as well.

    Next Time I will use Cocount Oil and Maybe it will be the Greatest High Yet (The One I made was Made with Inferior Vegetable Oil) but it gave me the Second Best High I have Ever Had When I expected it to do Nothing at all Since So Many People Said it was a Waste.
  14. Stop spreading false info
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. He’s got to be a child.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. seriously

    I tried it

    it works

    therefore it’s obviously NOT false info

    why don’t you try it for yourself as your the one spreading false info !!!!
  17. awesome

    more assumptions

    I’m 39

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