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Firecrackers W/ and w/o oven

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kapirate28, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Hey dudes, its my first post and i apologize if i posted in the wrong spot.

    I'm fairly new to smoking but me and my friend wanted to try making friecrackers.
    I've heard you cant use a microwave, but ive read u can.

    I was wondering if anyone would b ekind enough to give me a step by step instruction on how to make a microwaved firecracker (or a link :)
    If its imposible can someone give me simple instructions on how to make a firecrack in the oven (temps, etc)

    hey sorry again if this is in the wrong spot,

    P.s. if ther are simpler better ways of cooking it i would be happy to hear suggestions:)
  2. But before you go about your day thinking you're fine and they didn't work, give it an hour. It took me three hours before it hit me, and it took me about six before I was normal again. Sweet times.

    Bigger cracker == More bud == HIGH

    Use organic peanut butter. THC is absorbable by alcohols and fats, and organic peanut butter has a LOT of oil in it. Nutella chocolate spread is even better.

    Heat and timing are key here. The Cannabinoids in the plant change with heat, and some change from CBC and CBD (I think it was these two) to CBN (THC), which is why this works better than eating plain old bud. You don't want to do it too long, or you can burn it and make it inedible.

    Grind your bud up with a coffee grinder. You want granules of bud. It lets the THC better absorb into the peanut butter/Nutella.

    Instead of sprinkling bud on peanut butter, I mixed it in, and used a small rubber spatula to scrape all of it out of the bowl I mixed it in. I used a good amount of bud. I also pre-heated them in the microwave on high for 15 seconds before and after oven cooking. I put them in the oven at 320* for 22 minutes. THC vaporizes at 370*, and ovens aren't perfect. You want to give them some leeway. I don't know why 22 minutes, but it worked good, and they seemed that if I left them any longer they'd burn.

    I think that's all that I did.... I waited two hours and drove over to In-N-Out to hang out with my friends, then I started tripping. It was awesome. :hello:

    P.S.: I also used Ritz crackers, just made them nice and thick, like a bit more than Oreos Double Stuff. I bet mine tasted better than saltines. Wasn't good by any means though. Have fun!

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