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Firecrackers question HELP

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by klutchh, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I just finished cooking some firecrackers but I'm not planning on eating them for around another hour. Will they be good to eat cold, or should I put the in the oven/microwave. +rep for help.
  2. Either or, I've eaten them both a couple hours after I made them as well as one time right after they cooled down from the oven...personal preference really. I like to eat mine with milk as well..
  3. nuke em they taste better that way (and by nuke i mean microwave)
  4. They will be good. And I second the milk. They don't taste to great, even worse if they are burnt.
  5. I remember the first time me and a friend made these, they got burnt even though we followed a guide on here exactly (guess ovens are just different).

    One tiny ass firecracker took me like 20 bites, i would almost puke each time i tasted that. I started drinking a glass of milk each bite :smoke:
  6. how long should i microwave these bad boys for haha
  7. dont just let em get to room temp, if u microwave it can fuck it up

  8. they are room temp right now and i'm planning on eating them in about 45 mins so... your saying i should eat them ice cold rather than microwave em?
  9. #9 Zef, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    yeah man just leave em be. I quick nuking wont hurt them but it won't do em any good either, just let em sit and chow down when you are ready...a word of advice, if you are unaccustomed to edibles when it seems like they are taking to long to kick in wait a hour or so and resist the urge to eat anther or you could easily wind up very uncomfortable for the next 6 hours, it's easy to over do it

    edit: unless your house is below 32 degrees chances are they aren't going to be
    'ice cold" when you eat em. if you really need to dunk em in some warm milk or pre heat the oven to like 50 degrees and let em sit in there for a bit, but I'd just eat em how they are.
  10. Yeah, eat them as is. But in the future us nutella over peanut butter (if you didnt already), better taste, better high.
  11. spread some chocolate syrup on em, grab some milk, and eat em! Delicious!

    A lot of people don't like firecracker taste, but a lot of people also do. If made properly they can be DELICIOUS! I find adding 3:1 ratio of Nutella to Peanut Butter, with about 2 tsp or so of canola oil, and a few TBSP of powdered sugar really makes a pretty good taste. You can also experiment with cinnamon too. Just be sure to use graham crackers tho, because the added ingredients don't add fat, meaning the spread will be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SLIGHTLY less potent. So this can be remedied by applying more spread, which is easier if your crackers are bigger. Besides, cinnamon sugar graham crackers taste-wise beats like every other cracker :p
  12. you forgot to answer the most important question! Did you reach your destination?

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