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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by dan1625, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. ive made firecracker before but I CAN NOT STAND THE TASTE!! i gag i use peter pan peanut butter and i basically use any cracker i can find in the houselast time i made them i used carr's table wafer cracker which sucked so is there a way to hide the taste or at least make it bearable? thanks! :smoke:

    p.s. i use usually a gram of mid to high grade weed
  2. try using nutella instead of pb. add a tb of olive oil to add to the fat content and make it so there's a lot of weed in each firecracker...that way you won't have to eat a lot to get high
  3. thanks man didnt think of nutella but im limited on money so i can basically only use a gram so do you think i can put .5 in two?
  4. Why dont you make firecrackers, remove the crackers and spread the peanut butter onto a slice of bread, and make a peanutcannabutter and jelly sandwich?

  5. thanks so much man im saved!!!!!!

    i tired it and it works like a charm can bearly taste it ur the best :smoke:

  6. Are you saying remove the crackers after cooking or just not use them at all? :confused:
    It's not the crackers that are extracting the thc....
  7. remove the crackers. Of course the crackers aren't necessary.

  8. Okay, for some reason I thought you meant like make them and then scrape the pb off the crackers. I was like whutttt.:smoke:
  9. No problem bud!


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