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firecracker vs reg butter vs ??

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ElectricJW, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Which is a better way to utilize the green herb??

    A gram of dank used as a firecracker, or a gram of dank cooked up in butter?? The obvious answer is the butter, but I have never personally tried this experiment. And if one method is more potent than the other, how much more potent is it??

    The firecracker seems very quick and simple, whereas the butter method can take many hours (which can be a problem if you are trying to ingest your herb asap). I am thinking that if there isn;t that much of a difference in the potency between the too, why not just add the herb into fatty rich foods while they cook, like cookies, brownies, etc? If you can cook it @350F for 20-25 (maybe longer?), it would have the same effect as the firecracker.

  2. I prefer firecrackers since you can portion them individually.

    For instance, let's say you've got a quarter ounce that you want to cook with.
    For me, that's 7 firecrackers.
    OR you cook that into butter and then you use the butter for whatever.

    The thing is with the butter, you might get 7 portions out of, you might get less, you might get more.

    With firecrackers it's constant, and effective.
    I'd go with the firecrackers.
  3. True. However I've only cooked butter a few times, but for like 1 or 2 servings. I would then weight the butter and divide, so I could portion it out, but it is a hassle. I'm looking for which method is more potent, and if there is a big difference in potency of both.
  4. butter can be as mild or potent as u make it
  5. #5 BadKittySmiles, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Firecrackers are effective for those who have no other options, being one of the more inefficient methods of consuming canna, if that's what you are asking.

    For instance, you can achieve quite a narcotic experience from as little as .2 - .3g of material if processed in a good batch of oil, meanwhile many people make firecrackers with a suggested MINIMUM of .5g, and often feel hardly anything at all.
    Many patients digestive tracts require the processing methods used in proper oil, to not only activate or complete the cannabinoid conversion, but to cause the converted cannabinoids to become systemically bioavailable.

    At best, when making when firecrackers you are still wasting some amount of material, even more so if you don't decarb.

    They are a worst-case-scenario edible for those in situations where, for whatever reason, they have no access to the tools to make proper butter or oil, limited kitchen access, and not only the neighbors, but those in your very household can't know what you're up to.

    If you have the ability to make a proper batch of oil, it is -always- the best option, over jerry-rigging a quick edible with minimal processing. But again, there's nothing wrong with firecrackers just so long as you have the herb to spare, you can double and triple the amount required, or you haven't no other options.

    edit - There are a few things you can do, to increase the effectiveness of your firecrackers (or to at least ensure that they won't be a total failure for you):

    - Decarb first.
    - Allow for a longer, but more gentle heating.
    - Always use additional oil as well as peanut butter
    - Use lecithin in the peanut butter and oil if available.
    - Freeze, then re-heat.

    Hope this helps :)

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