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Firecracker smell?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrhelpesuhcs, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I heard when you bake a fire cracker the smell of the peanut butter masks the smell of the weed. Is this true?
  2. I made canna peanut butter about two weeks ago and my house smelt like peanutbuteer and vaped weed smell. Could smell it for about two hours
  3. If you make firecrackers right, you will not smell the weed and this is a guarantee. I've made over a hundred of these now, I can tell ya from experience:)

  4. Thanks. To be honest I was hoping that you'd see this thread when i made it so I could get a good answer :eek:
  5. Haha no problem man. If you have any questions, just shoot me a PM.

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