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Firecracker question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by P2therayer, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. After baking them, does it smell up the rest of the house like weed?
  2. no it will not

  3. Does that apply to cooking anything with MJ?
  4. Not the whole house. The kitchen will smell faintly of weed and mostly warm peanut butter.
  5. I make mine with nutella. If you wrap them in aluminum foil and don't let them burn it won't smell at all. Of course, if you use super dank it will smell a bit, but an open window fixes that.
  6. cooking with mj is about the same as chiefing in your kitchen(smell wise), if you have 1-2 hours to spare you could cook, eat, clean up, and not have to worry about anything.

  7. So the smell can go away in a couple hours?
  8. yea you will be fine
  9. I've never had a firecracker make smell of weed. Sometimes there is a hint of almost the smell of a vaporizer but def no weed smell
    Really all you will notice is the smell of PB
  10. Sweet thanks guys

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