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Firecracker fail?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by haz155, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Yeah so...
    2.5g of light brown/green abv (finely ground)
    cooked for 20 minutes on 175c

    I took 2 hours ago and can't feel shit and want to go to bed, is it safe to say it's just not gunna work?
  2. I failed too with some 1.5g of medium/bad quality bud and 25min on 175C and nothing
  3. Edibles seem to be inconsistent for a lot of people :/
  4. More details please. Temperature was definitely off.

  5. cracker, peanut butter, finely ground ABV, peanut butter, cracker. 175c, thats what all the recipes say...?
  6. Fumar, we spoke about this. I followed your guide pritty much to a T. I'ma try again with fresh herb and lots of it when I next pick up lol

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