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Firecracker advise

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by MasterChiefKief, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Ive never made my own firecrackers before but im in the process of doing so, I mixed the weed with some creamy jif peanut butter, some oil from the top of an all natural peanut butter, and the tiniest bit of canola oil. I have two small tupperware containers that they are in at the moment and I plant on actually spreading the mix on grahmcrackers tomorrow then bake it. How long and how hot should I bake it for?
  2. [ame=]Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Rap - GinGerG - YouTube[/ame]
  3. 330-350F 20-25 minutes


  4. even if its sitting and extracting overnight?
  5. Yes, if your doing the extraction process you need more time. If you want to do it right bake it to what i just specified and you will be happy.
  6. okay thanks for the help man! Ill let you know how they go tomorrow morning

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