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Fire kush [56k warning]

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by burtontoker, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 burtontoker, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    I got some DANKY ass buds, just an eighth. Will get more soon, maybe a quarter. Testing it out, ya know? :D I have to create a new word to describe how fucking high I am. ripped, chopped, high off my ass, I don't know what term to use. I cant even type.... :smoke:

  2. Looks like some of the nugs got squished, but definitely dank as hell:smoke:
    Don't understand how you got it for free though?
  3. Nice pickup!! Looks dank as hell! :hippie:
  4. Misleading title, but that shit looks crazy good though haha. Im smoking some Kush at the moment as well.:D

  5. Did you get it for free? That would make this thread a lil cooler
  6. hahahaha no i just put that title so people who click it LOL:smoke: thx yeah its so booooooomb oh my god
  7. ya you did the same with your other title, when you posted the same thing in apprentice tokers.
  8. Wow thats.. really annoying. Dont do that.
  9. Would it really make a difference to US if HE got it for free? Doubt it. Nice buds either man, your title got me and a bunch of others in this thread so it did it's job.
  10. Little douchey though.
    Wouldn't do that.
  11. Dont do that with your title, but other then that, nice pick up, worth the 50$
  12. #12 burtontoker, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    LOL. well you guys were the ones who got tricked! hahaha thats why its funny but i wont do it again cause it is misleading, but seriously who's gonna give away FREE KUSH? LOL:smoke:

    lol, you been buying oregano this whole time or something OP?
  14. Uhhh, there's extra keef... that's what I meant, lol. I got a bunch of keef for free that was my point.
  15. Doesn't all bud have kief in it?

  16. you get zero rep from me b/c of this
  17. Nice pickup. Fail thread.
  18. Nice looking dank padna! Dont wanna be an asshole or anything but u misspelled grasscity in the second friend jack herer made me say it :(
  19. Looks good. Please don't do that with the title. Stoners are easily confused.
  20. how is there extra keif? if its kush its just got a lot of trichs on them there buds, kind looks like what i got now, you in connecticut by any chance?

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