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fire in idaho!?!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by jedi_mind_trick, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. danks.jpg

    edit: haha still learning how to upload images
  2. man idaho has some great buds. back when i was younger and the original blueberry was the hot thing i used to have it shipped to me from a grower in idaho
  3. Looks good man, there's been a ton of Blueberry Kush floating around these forums lately. Good to see you all have something to keep you entertained out there :p
  4. haha at first i thought it was brocoli :rolleyes:
  5. thanks everyone!
    we see some crazy shit come in from oregon, washington, and cali all the time now
    this is all recent too, we'd be hella dry all too often untill all these states decriminalized bud :hello:
  6. It's prolly dank buds, but cant really tell from the pics. Try taking a pic in light or somthing.
  7. looks fire to me :)

    Yep. if you know the right places to go, you can find exceptional quality in tha 208.

    That Blueberry looks like the purple Mr. Nice I had a couple weeks back, only more purple.

    I would really like to see more Idaho dank threads in here, Since I do not yet posses a camera that can do the dank I usually get justice.

    Enjoy that shit!
  8. Ah i like i'm slowly finding better and better stuff i'll have to post up to show the goodness in idaho when i get some more :D

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