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Fire Crackers, first try

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokinBro, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. I made fire crackers last night. I mixed olive oil, nutella and peanut butter in a cup, and spread that over 6 grahmcracker squares. after I grinded up about 2 grams of weed very well, and sprinkled it over both sides. Then I put the squares together into sandwhiches and wrapped them 3 times in foil, and let them sit over night. Today i put them in the oven for 19 minutes at 310 degrees F. still wrapped in foil. Now they are out, and the outside of the nutella is hard. Hope it works, about to eat 3 :hello:v:wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:
  2. Update: I just ate one and it tasted pretty bad. Not sure if they are meant to taste good but I'm already feeling a little buzzed
  3. I remember my first firecracker, the high was intense and amazing. I passed out for 5 hours, but it was okay because I woke up still high, very high. Lol, good luck on 3.
  4. tempted to try this, does it stank the kitchen out when you cook them?
  5. You are definetly not feeling buzzed right after, that would be placebo. And they are not meant to taste good. And 19 minutes at 310 seems like it wouldn't be that effective. If you're going to continue making firecrackers I'd suggest leaving them in for atleast 30 minutes if not 45 at that temperature. Or you could crank up the temperature a bit (personally the odd occasion where I do make firecrackers I do 335 for 35 minutes).


    As long as they're in tin foil (which they SHOULD be) they don't smell at all, in the slightest. The only time when they do smell is when you take them out of the tin foil which is easily fixable by simply going outside if smell is an issue for you.
  6. sound cheers bro!
  7. idk what placebo means but i feel high off those 3
  8. You are about to be destroyed.. Check with us in a week.

  9. Dude prepare for a fucking ride. You ate 2 grams worth of edibles.. oh god
  10. OP, you are going to be blown, very shortly. :) :smoke:
  11. So tell us what happened.
  12. He probably died .. :)
  13. #14 DaFt VaDer420, Aug 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
  14. What happened was I got super high, in 1 hour so i pre rolled 3 joints with my friend for a party and picked up a sack of purple. I then felt very dizzy and uneasy, then went home and laid down for 3 hours. Then ate chinese food.
  15. Sounds like my typical afternoon :cool:
  16. what is fire crackers? I never try to taste it.. even the material of the cracker that you mention is unfamiliar for me. I wonder the taste is spicy? or what?
  17. That's awesome, bro. I want to try making firecrackers so bad! I'm just scared it'll stink up my kitchen/house. I'm gonna wrap the shit out of it if I do it, then open and eat it outside.

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