Anyone else have any case mods that they've done? This was my first one ever (looks better in person, I promise. My phone makes pictures look dusty lol.)
Nice work man, got a question for you though.. What or who is domo? Iv seen this little guy on backpacks and such but duno where he comes from..
Domo (NHK) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I guess he was a mascot for a TV channel in Japan? I have no idea. I saw him on so many of those "Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten" pictures that he kinda grew on me lol.
Dope as fuck. Weird as fuck though too. [ame=]Domokun - Brother - YouTube[/ame]
That's really cool man. I'm gonna +rep you but I can't leave a message cuz I'm on my phone :-/ Speaking of which, on iPhone i can leave +rep, I just can't leave a message, but I see other blades say all the time that they can't rep on their phones. Anyone know what the deal is in a few words so as not to derail this thread? Fucking awesome domo man