Finger Lakes, NY where you at?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by keukacheese, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. So I just moved to the Finger Lakes area from the midwest. It's winter now and things are pretty lame, but we're used to that in the midwest. However, I went down to Ithaca last weekend and was amazed by the hippie scene! Anyone here from Ithaca that can tell me more about the places to see and go? Much appreciated!
  2. Hippies in Ithaca? I thought Hippies were an endangered species. There hasn't been a Hippie sighting in NYC in years. :wave:
  3. i live like an hour and a half from ithaca, i used to go there All the time! theres GREAT scenery to check out esp when youve got your incredible herb with you. it gets so cold this time of year, but theres some great arts and crafts and music festivals as the seasons roll around and get warmer, its great. the finger lakes region is a gorgeous area of ny, and all the lakes all have nice, nice spots to park and spark with a peaceful view:smoke:

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