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Finding a new source

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ylime, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. So basically for the last few months I have had the best source ever. She always had headies, and could always get a quarter to me on really short notice. Plus she was just nice, obviously we weren't close friends, but we always talked for a little while when I picked up. It turned out who she bought from got busted and she's out of selling for good.

    Everyone I know who smokes got from her because she always had decent prices and good stuff.

    Might sound like a dumb question but I don't know how to find another dealer? I've asked around but all I can find is middies or lower quality.
  2. Weed is weed, buy the low quality until you find the high quality.
  3. She doesn't know anyone else that could help you?

    It's all about networking, ask, ask, and ask. It will come. There's no magic formula for finding bud.

    I brought up the subject with someone at work and instantly I was connected to him, his brother, and another person at work that also deals. And then through that person I've met another dealer, so on and so forth. If ones out it's no big deal, because I know another one to take their place.

    Or you could grow and be your own dealer.
  4. I know it's just disappointing to have to pay the same price for that as I was before for something better.
  5. I've been thinking about starting to grow, so this could be the push to do it. So maybe this is a good thing lol
  6. Do your research first, the growing forums on this site are great, as well as many other resources available to us thanks to the Internet. Just have to sift through the bullshit.
  7. go on craigslist lol i found one of my dealers on there lol

  8. i think he's a cop.
  9. Yeah I tried that once, after we set up to go ahead with the deal he told me he didn't have a phone number or a car and I would have to swing by his place. I called cop and quickly ducked out of that one for good.
  10. Man, why do the popos always have to be making things difficult? They have to know us smokers are a kind and peaceful bunch haha
  11. Yeah...I'd stay as far the fuck away from the Craigslist idea...bad shit seems to come out of that site daily.

    Buy the bad shit for awhile until you find someone else, or maybe you just have to deal with the shitty weed and the hook up will plug you into something. There is no really formula for it, you just have to do what you have to do until something comes along.

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