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Finally went to Six Flags stoned!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by SuperDiesel666, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. So it's been my fantasy for over a year now to visit an amusement park and ride roller coasters while baked out of my mind. Today it finally happened and it was incredible! I went to Six Flags New England with 2 friends and we brought some pretty dank brownies with us. About 1.5 or so grams of headies in each one. We each ate a brownie as we were walking into the park, and by the time we got on the first roller coaster (Thunderbolt), we were already pretty high. Thunderbolt is a very small wooden coaster that I've been on a million times sober, and it's normally not that amazing. However this time it was totally mind-blowing. Next up was Superman Ride of Steel (now renamed "Bizarro"), which is one of the most amazing and intense roller coasters in the world to begin with. 221' drop at 70 degrees, and 75 mph. Really long ride too. We were all peaking on our brownies while waiting in line for Superman, and one of my friends almost passed out at one point because he hadn't even smoked in a couple of weeks. He said for a brief moment everything looked all pixelated and blurry. We were still peaking pretty strongly when we got on the ride. There are no words to describe how amazing the ride was compared to when ridden sober. In fact we rode it again later on tonight after we were mostly sober and it was great, but just not the same. Riding it high makes you much more aware of the g-forces and speed. It was ridiculous. After that ride we started coming down, and had a nice rest of the day. Also, when you are really high, the sunlight on your skin feels SOOOO good! We were munching out on beef jerky, fritos, pistachios, and skittles while in the lines too. I was totally back to reality just in time to drive home. It was an amazing day and one of the most pleasant highs I've had.
  2. Seems like it would be fun. I've gotta try that some time since the six flags near me is only about 2 hours away
  3. Sounds fun! I went to hershey park baked last year, chocolate was sooo delicous and the roller coasters rocked
  4. i probably wouldnt stay high long enough to wait through the line on the first ride lol
  5. I have wanted to do this for quite sometime too.
  6. Wow, bet that was awesome lol. I can't imagine being high on brownies and seeing the view from a 200 ft. roller coaster.

  7. If you just smoke you won't stay high long enough for more than one ride probably, but the brownie you'll be good for at least 3 hours. If you wanna stay high the whole visit, even with all the walking around, eating food, etc, you will probably have to take a second brownie for when you start coming down. Be careful though and don't overdo it, especially if it's hot outside, and make sure you have water.
  8. good point.. im planning on going to dorney park in a week im gonna try that out
  9. Sounds awesome man, definitely gotta try that at some point in my life
  10. Damn yea i did that back in the day when i was like in 7th i thought i was gonna die !:eek: but it was the sHizznit! :smoking:
  11. That shit sounds so bomb. Looks like you had a great time.
  12. Six Flags New England + a slice of Northern Lights = Last summer's best day.

  13. hahahah sounds ddeeeeeeelightful
  14. yea i was just at a fair in my town and we smoked on the faris wheel and went on so many great rides.. sad to say there were no rollercoasters :( but ill save baked rollcoastering for a another day lol
  15. I totally agree. lol. Went on a huge rollecoster this summer with my firends really baked. I have never screamed while on a rollercoaster, but that time i screamed so hard I nearly lost my voice! It was insane.
  16. I now a have a dream
  17. Fright Fest six flags great america in illinois, 2 weeks i cant wait. gunna bake a special cake and eat that shit on the way up there,, cant fuckin wait,yayyyyy.

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