Final questions before i grow please read

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hitman7594, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. ok i have asked a bunch of questions in the last few days and ive got a few final ones and opinions would be great! :D
    1 - Ok first things first i want to give a summary of my grow. I plan on getting two 90 watt ufo lights and do a mid sized stealth grow. This means i need all smell out but i reallllly dont want to use a carbon scruber because a huge part of my stealth grow is reducing the electric bill so i plan on having the two lights and a computer fan 120 mm for intake and exhaust plus 2 80 mm inside of the case and when the plants get bigger a osoliating fan for the stems. I was going to do a hydro grow instead of soil and that about sums it up.
    2 - If your still reading im sorry for bring such a nOOb but i thank you. So here are where the questions start. First things is how many plants can i grow with 2 90 watt ufo lights in a hydro set up using bubbler buckets
    3 - Next question is related to hydro. I wont being doing all of that fancy intake drain gauge stuff just a simple bucket with netty pot a plant and a air stone so how often do you need to replace the water nute mix and when is it safe to use nutes with baby plants
    4 - Next question moves onto heat. Will those fans be enough? remeber my goal is to keep the electric bill down so more fans means more electric bill cost so having a few computer fans running doesnt seem too bad but is it enough?
    5 - Now here comes the biggest part. Stealth. The smell must be gone. I mean i have the closet in my room and if someone were to walk in my room they could not smell it from the closet. I know thats alot to ask but im sure someone has pulled it off on this wonderful fourm :D. I really dont want to spend all the extra money and electric costs on a big carbon scruber and intake exhuast system because im using LEDs heat isnt nearly as big as an issue because they have built in fans. So just tell me what i need to get because i dont mind spending the money to avoid it coming up on electric bill.
    6 - Little question i forget. When using the 2 90 watt ufos should i put cfls in at any point for veg or flower if so which kind?

    Thanks for reading all of this im very new to this and everyone has pointed me towards here for what i plan on doing. I will soon post pictures of my shitty craw space closet to awesome pink purple led grow room :hello: thanks if your still reading and please post the number question your answering!
  2. Also little side note are there any strains that give off less odors?
  3. Can anyone help me out?

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