Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by ShimmyDylan23, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 ShimmyDylan23, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    This is a game I've been following up on for many years. It's been in production for nearly eight years now. It will recreate the light on JRPGs that has been missing for almost a generation now. Yes, it is another Final Fantasy title: Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Do not get confused by the word 'Versus' - It is NOT an MMO and it is NOT an online game/co-op game. It is a completely different game and will not intertwine with Final Fantasy XIII in any way.

    The game will factor in a more modern-looking, dark, and eerie world. The world of FFvXIII (the design, characters, storyline, etc. etc. etc.) look captivating and outlandish. With the help of teams that worked on previous FF titles and not to mention the staff from Kingdom Hearts have been working on this.

    Open World along with the Airships and other vehicles will finally be brought back into the world of Final Fantasy, which has been missing since FFIX! It will be by-far one of the greatest JRPGs without a doubt in my mind.

    Here is one of the latest trailers for FFvXIII. It was released about two weeks ago. It is sadly not in English though, except for when text cuts in between screens.
    [ame=]YouTube - Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Official HD Gameplay Trailer[/ame]

    Here is an older trailer for the game. Some of what you see here isn't in the new trailer so it's worth a watch. (The video is mirrored though, ignore it.)
    [ame=]YouTube - Final Fantasy Versus XIII Extended Trailer in HD![/ame]

    So tell me, what do you all think of the game? :D
  2. lost faith in final fantasy years ago.
    I hope it's good, but I expect it'll be shit.

  3. Gotta disagree with you there bud.
  4. Why?
    13 looked like it'd be good but it was shit
    so did 14, 12, 11, 10, 10-2 and dirge of cerberus.

  5. You're probably an inpatient gamer who likes more action than having linear storyline. I on the other hand don't mind a game being linear. We obviously have different gaming preferences. I'm not trying to rude but I'm just calling it how I see it.
  6. Not really, I love RPGS so long as the story isn't the only aspect of the game (FF13) and the ending isn't shit (FF10). There's an immersion factor and the little touches that make RPGs great,and 13 failed to deliver these on every level.

    Remember when people used to say stuff like "final fantasys shit, you just sit there and press a button"? You used to able to counter with the depth, choice, exploration, hidden areas, secrets etc... what can you say now? It looks pretty? Final fantasy has essentially devolved into what the critics used to think it was. You sit there and press a button and occassionaly move directly forwards.

    No offence or anything like, I just hate dumbed down games from developers that sell out to shift more copies.

    Credit where it's due though Crisis Core was better than most of the games they've released in a while.
  7. I loved 10. It was one of my favorite FF games. I really got into that Sphere Grid. I put so many hours into it making sure I maxed out everyone. It's pretty awesome when you can 2 shot Sin. Not to mention, it had my favorite mini game since the card game in 8. Blitz Ball was fun as shit. I still occasionally boot it up so I can get a little BB action on.

    The more I look into this new one, I'm feeling it a little more. It'll probably be the best FF since they merged with Enix. If not? Well, then I still have all the classics I can replay.

  8. I can see where you're getting at. I can agree with you there, FF13 didn't hold up to my expectations. But FFvXIII will revolutionize RPGs. It is being made from the team staff of Final Fantasy VII & VIII, and the team staff of Kingdom Hearts. They are bringing back Open World which means you can explore anywhere and everywhere, when you want. The characters look in-depth along with the world. I know they've been getting worse ever since the PS2 titles but trust me, this one will not fail. I guarantee.
  9. I can't wait to play it. :hello:

  10. Yeah, I know how you feel. I've been waiting for years and years. :devious:
  11. So is this just a single player rpg?

  12. I'm not exactly sure but considering how FF is, I'm betting it will be.

  13. I was under the impression that it was somehow tied into the two FFXIII planets. I dunno how accurate the articles I read way back when were, but they said that the game is based in Cocoon and Pulse.
    It's also the 2nd installment of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series so they gotta be connected somehow right???? None of the characters from FFXIII will be in Versus but something has to be connected in order for them to be considered a trilogy!

    Either way I'm psyched for this game!
  14. #14 Spyder, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
    This looks more enjoyable than XIII. I felt a little bit of a VII and VIII vibe when I watched the second video. The music is good. I'll be getting this no doubt.
  15. Am I the only one that liked FFVIII ???? I thought it was GREAT. I miss the good ol turn based rpg's. I wish they would come out for a new and improved chrono trigger for xbox. :D

    Oh well.. At least elder scrolls is still bringin some good shit. Skyrim will take a few months of my life from me. :D
  16. I loved VIII. Three way tie between that, VII, and IX for me. A lot of people have a favorite, but they all have strong points. If I could find my PS1 memory card I'd play it.
  17. #17 TesseLated, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2011
    Havent gotten into playing one since X....the trailer looks good though. Glad its not all 'dark'.

  18. Doh!! I meant to say FFXIII LOL... My bad...
  19. Oh man! Thank you!!! It's really rare to run into an FF fan who loves VIII. VIII was my all time favorite but it wasn't really popular with fans of VII.
  20. Yes, the game has such a similar look towards FFVII and FFVIII. Not to mention Kingdom Hearts as well when it comes to the battle system, considering part of the KH team did work on Versus.

    Just imagine it... A pure Final Fantasy game that has the battle elements of Kingdom Hearts. Fucking reckless! :yay:

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