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Discussion in 'General' started by snakeyG, May 31, 2013.

  1. #1 snakeyG, May 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
    Anybody here enjoying fighting? I feel like its something you can do to feel truly alive, don't get me wrong I never go out loooking for fights but if one kicks off im happy to go all guns blazing.
    EDIT: The reason im asking is because my mate think all people that smoke weed are little pussies so I just had to post this to prove him wrong.

  2. So if we don't like to and we smoke we are pussies lol thats what I'm getting at from your post.

    Don't think you'll find any pussies, just people who are mature enough not to fight. Hell I think fighting its pretty immature unless there is a REAL reason.

    If you like fighting, try doing mma.
  3. #3 Buffalo11024, May 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
    I didn't join the military in a time of conflict to be a bitch about it. I agree nothing can get the heart beating like the fight of your life. I'm not really into hand to hand fighting anymore just because it usually takes someone trained to make it interesting. I enjoy a fight, there is a difference between a fight and slaughter though. You think hand to hand is intense? Try a raid or a firefight.
    I do believe that Hemingway said it best.
    “There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
  5. I enjoy the rush of a fight. Nothing like it. Almost like an injection of pure adrenaline.
  6. #6 Greenclutch, May 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
    IM with you on the raids that was some of the biggest adrenaline rushes that i have received but there was a time where I  wanted nothing more then to throw down with some one but now my hands hurt more then anything or maybe just getting smarter either way I still will fight but never try to start something 
  7. yeah man that's exactly what im talking about, makes you feel truly alive.
  8. i would box. but never flat out fight someone unless they attacked me first. and event then id just do enough to stop them from coming at me. no need to get arrested for doing a childish thing...
  9. You've never just been so fucking mad at someone that you just wanna stomp em? Sometimes getting arrested is just a part of standing up for yourself
  10. naw, when people do stuff that makes you angry like its best to let it go. obviously they want a rise out of  you.

    ill tell you though there are a few people id love to kick the shit out of.
  11. I assume you have had quite a sheltered childhood, have you ever had to fight for your money that you need to pay the bills with or even worse fight for your life.
  12. I did MMA for a while but i got burned out quick. Fighting is fun on occasion, and when you gotta
  13. I am not a good fighter without a weapon and my opponent's blind eye. I have fought when I was drunk, and got my ass kicked like Jim Carry did in the movie fun with dick and jane. I do not like waking up with pain the next morning. So no I don't like physical fights. Verbal on the other hand, bring it on!
  14. The only reason I would fight someone is to defend/protect someone else or if I really needed to defend myself from an attack. Otherwise i'd just walk away. Although I am female so it's different I guess haha. 
  15. I practice a form of Kenjutsu that me and a friend are currently devoloping with intentions of opening a dojo. We are combinining his traditional katana training with my Shotokan karate techiniques to create some interesting kenjutsu variations. There is something about the martial arts that is physically, spiritually, and intellectually stimulating; espically when it involves Katanas forged by this guy in Japan whose family has been doing this forever. They are so well made that they become one with the air!
  16. I'd rather not get into a physical fight, but if it comes to it, I'm going to do my very best to make sure I come out alive, and if that means disconnecting a neck bone then so be it
  17. sheltered? i know what poverty is. ive seen family members have to sell houses, lose jobs, not able to pay rent within my family. not too sheltered.

    ive fought before once or twice too, but when i was a kid...ive sense grown up...
  18. Most people know what poverty is, but you don't know what growing up is like where if you don't know how to fight you will get fucked over everyday.
  19. #19 Iluvatar, May 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
    There are plenty of ways to fight without altercation.  Just plain sparring, or as you mentioned - mma. 
    Fighting is fun and I agree with OP completely.  It makes you feel alive and its very thrilling.  I really like sparring mma style agaisnt my bro or any of my friends.   I've always wanted to get formal training but I never got around to it
  20. Yeah, I'm a pussy. So what? Wanna fight about it? I don't. Smoke weed. :smoking:

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