Fightin a failure to stop at stop sign ticket

Discussion in 'General' started by ZootedNBooted, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Here's the story, Im comin home from the gym and as I am approaching this 4 way stop sign at the intersection I see a cop with his lights on (as if he had just pulled somebody over) so naturally I am on alert knowing a cop is there. I see the cop turn right, make an illegal U-turn to face the intersection, park, and set up to catch his next victim..So obviously I stop. I saw the cop at least 10 seconds before I got to the intersection...Yes, I actually did stop.. I actually had to stop because a truck was making a left handed turn so I had to wait for it before I could proceed... As me and the car next to me proceed through the intersection (2 lane street) the cop immediately gets behind me...I'm like you gotta be kiddin me. As a matter of fact, the car next to me pulled over too, but of course the cop lets him go... Long story short he says I didn't stop, I say I'm pretty sure I did sir, he said I "hesitated" and if I wanted to ask the undercover officer that saw me... Later on in the conversation he then states he's the one that saw me and on the ticket he wrote I rolled through the stop sign with an approximate speed was 15mph, really!?!?!? That just sounds stupid. Who rolls through an intersection at 15mph??? His story is inconsistent and then has the nerve to ask me hows the gym I go to.. What do you guys think my chances are of proving this cop wrong in court? Yeah...I am a black male, and Im not the type to make it a race thing, but if it oinks like a pig, and squeals like a pig..chances are its a pig... in the words of NWA fuck the police!!!
  2. until you mentioned you were black i never woulda guessed you were.

    skin color doesnt matter my friend, it only means you're a bit more protected from the sun then other human beings.

    id fight it, idk how . but if youre innocent, fight it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. what kind of car were you driving while you got the ticket? in state or out of state license plates? how old are you? [this ALL matters]
  4. I hope you don't live in the South, because you'll be going to jail for a looooooooooong time.
  5. You can try to fight it, but its your word against theirs, unless they got you on camera.


  6. #6 Agentblu, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2011
    ... i feel like they will still give you a ticket regardless, do you really think you could get a ticket dropped in court from this?

    and op that sucks, fight it, well try to at least. thats bogus
  7. 2000 Ford Contour SVT
    In State Plates (Looks Modified but stock)
    27 years young
    No priors, no driving points on my record, etc...
    Happened in Cali

  8. well so far it seems like you *might* stand a chance. but it is your word against theirs it seems.

    i asked all that because they might just see you as a young black male driving an appartently fast [because it's modded] car when a police officer said you rolled through a stop sign.

    your best chance is to say that rolling through at 15mph doesnt even sound plausible because there were other vehicles around. was it a busy intersection?
  9. They will give you a ticket but you can get it dropped
  10. Well don't all police cruisers have a dash cam? If so they would at least see me stopping and not rolling through the intersection, at 15mph at that...
  11. Yeah... he wrote M for traffic conditions, which I researched to mean medium traffic, not heavy nor light, I'd say there were about 5-6 cars total at the intersection, myself included.

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