anyone got a good link o how to wire a sub panel.. im kinda confused on this whole ground thing..s somethin obout abreaker bar,,across the ground,, can i post a link to it from here?? i plan on runnin 4k at 220 plus anythin else i can as far as 110 im hoppin to have at least three 15amp brakers any suggestions.. tahnx
Hey man, So installing new breakers and wiring is super easy. The grounding bar you are talking about is just the flat bar that all of the ground wires "green" and neutral wires "white" Go into. All of the Hot wires "black" Go into the breaker itself. Here is a link to a site that shows step by step how to do it. Installing A New Circuit Breaker In An Electrical Panel If you have any more questions just let me know. Peace.