i dont know about you guys, but i generally NEVER fiend for weed. and i have a stash right beside me, the thing thats getting me right now is the uncontrollable urge for a bluntwrap/cigar. i havent had one in a while.. maybe a few weeks, so i guess naturally my body wants one? only problem is that the lady at the corner store just id'd me for a cigar i tried to buy. so i'm shit out of look. any fiending stories?
so i left my wallet at home cause i was in pj pants and went to get my cigar with a 5$ bill... and now the place is closed?
Wouldn't you anticipate them asking for your ID? Why not walk back with your ID in hand? Hope it works out for you.
ahh yes...a fiend story!!..I havent fiended for a while..when I first started to get my feet wet in the game of smokin!...I remember all my dealers ran out at the same time and whoa!...at first I was like damn I gotta hit somethin...then after a while it was like...fuck it i guess its just one of those dayz
there's nicotine in blunt wraps dude. it's not like a cigarette addiction, but I still think it gets ya. I was a blunt fiend for a while in the summer.
ive had my moments where i wanted blunts too. but ive smoked more than 50 blunts since august 8th... im pretty tired of them right now.