hi, i was just wondering if anyone had any stories about what they have gone through to get weed/paraphernalia or money for it. iv never done anything too crazy. iv stolen money a few times and done homework for money for it. iv also overdrawn my bank account by a lot and had my parents pay it back+the fee lol. i just think it would be interesting to hear someone with an awesome story so post away!
careful man, theres a lot of people on here that are wanabe mods so they go and snitch to one of the admins so they can get brownie points.
ehh its a tell storey thread not ragg on people u fuckin asshole u got something to say go send him and pm not clutter the thread u prick we have all done stupid things in the past go to hell mr fuckin perfect .....homo
Man, anyone who would steal for weed should just give up on drugs entirely. Worst I've ever done was sell my Resident Evil: Nemesis and bought Deftones' Adrenaline and a dimebag. Good trade I'd say.
bottom line we all make mistakes, ive stolen too and took a step back and realized what i did and how much damage it did this is why im sticking up for the guy , we all fuck up one way or another anyone ragging on anyone for a plain dumb mistake is a hypacrit(sp) to the fullest on with the stories