few weeks into veg (PICS) blockhead strain

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by djdub92, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. check out the pics and tell me what you think... i am using a 600watt hps in canna coco and house of garden nutrients + cal-mag plus. growth just started to shoot. new leaf set everyday.
  2. looks pretty straight man
  3. Those look really healthy!

    Good job man:hello:

    And good luck on the rest of your grow:D:smoking:
  4. thanks. ya i will keep putting up pics every few days to show groth. i plan on inducing flowering in about 1 week..
  5. Blockhead is a pretty cool strain. It has a very unique taste and smell. I will say the potency level is really not up to par with other strains but it's a pretty low-maintanance strain.
  6. Maybe the pics but looks like a little bit of yellowing/nuteburn
  7. Sweet plants man, how long since you started germinating them and how long since they sprouted out of the soil?
  8. i didnt start them from seeds they were tiny clones
  9. I don't understand, are they in hessian bags? Does the water just leak out everywhere when you water?
    Is the barrier in the bottom right corner of the first pic part of some giant tub theyre all sitting in? or is it a sealed Grow tent? (grow tents with zips/velcro bottoms still leak)
  10. no its in a liner coated tub and the pots are called "smart pots"

  11. Nice1, those plants look like they're enjoying them :cool:
  12. ya the pots are great because they allow air to flow into the soil and penetrate the roots. causing faster growth and stronger root systems leading to better buds
  13. 1/26/2010
  14. Plants' r looking healthy, n I dig those bags.
  15. Looking good man. I think I'm gonna try some smart pots outdoors this summer. A lot of people like them. Good luck!
  16. looking healthyy:hello:
    keep up the good work
    im excited to see how she grows
  17. ya i am gonna grow a few outdoor plants in the 35 gallon smart pots, my buddy did last summer and had 7 foot tall trees...massive yield. here is tonights new picture. 1/27/2010

  18. k its now January 28th and I am going to induce flowering on the 3rd of february most likely.


  19. started to water them more. now i water 1/4 gallon once a day between the four of them. 1/29/2010


  20. ok so i was gone for two nights and i had my buddy fillin.. i was worried but now i am so happy i got back and everything was still great. here are the pics for 2/1/2010



    any comments?????

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