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Few ?s about Firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Jaysir, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Im about to make a pick up and going to use some for fire crackers. Ive read a few tutorials, just have some questions.

    1. How much weed should i put on each cracker?

    2. Do I have to wrap the crackers individually, or can i just wrap the whole cookie sheet with foil?

    3. I've seen in a post that the longer they sit to cool after baking, the more thc absorbed. True or False.

  2. 1: Depends on what your looking for. My suggestions

    .5g-.6g mids = light-moderate
    .65-.8g mids = moderate-heavy
    .85-1g+ mids = heavy - WTFBBQ

    If your using dank [which I would advise against unless necessary], just half those numbers and add .5 .

    2: You can wrap them all with foil, but I advise wrapping them individually for more control.

    3: True, however not by a lot. Cooking should extract most of the potency. Letting it sit will make it stronger, but it can take quite a while for such a little increase in potency after cooking.

    Check out my pictorial:

    It has a Q&A section, and has given me nothing but success with making firecrackers. If you follow it closely, you will succeed
  3. preciate it. im making them right now. I have both dank and mids. Ima do one cracker with the dank, and the rest with mids.
  4. #4 Nutrition Facts, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I just made 4

    I added 1tsp of bacon grease to spike the fat content

    (and a ton of confectionary sugar)

    i used a little over a gram total

    bake 350 for 22 minutes

    37 ago minutes I ate all 4

    ...just waiting

    edit - 1 hour and 31 minutes

    ...still waiting

  5. Anything?

    It can take 2+ hours for edibles to kick in sometimes. Also, did you decarboxylate? Any estimate as to how much sugar you added, because you may have added too much possibly. Also, how powdery was the herb and what grade?
  6. so i made them and ate them yesterday. I ate one cracker and played games for about an hour. I felt nothing so i had another cracker. I watch a movie for about another hour. Then i stood up and it felt like it just punched me. i was couch locked after that.

    i seem to like the taste of the firecrackers so i'll be making this more often. lol
  7. Haha nice!

    It's always suggested waiting 2 hours minimum cause sometimes the high takes its merry time. I one had cannapeanutbutter that didn't hit me for 3 hours.

    I too enjoy the taste of well made firecrackers.

    Sick beats btw.
  8. I felt nothing.

    beasters... shredded into dust...

    I melted the peanutbutter/bacon grease/and a little bit of butter mixture in the microwave

    i put maybe 1tsp sugar

    spooned it out on the crackers

    put the weed on the crackers

    wrapped them in foil

    and baked as directed.

    It never works for me. oh well, practice makes perfect? right?
  9. #9 Fumar Verde, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011

    Yes, practice does make perfect.

    How thick was your spread on the crackers?

    Try this next time.

    Thoroughly mix 2 scoops peanut butter, 1 scoop nutella, 1 tbsp butter, and 1/2 tsp of vegetable oil in a mixing bowl. Apply a thick spread of this to two large crackers using a butter knife [and preferably graham crackers]. For control purposes, refrain from using the sugar this time. Before you grind your herb to powder, decarboxylate by throwing small buds onto a sheet of tin foil, wrapping the buds in the tin foil, and throwing in the oven on a baking sheet at 225F for 20 minutes. When done, check the foil and see if the herb is really dry and crumbly. If it is, crank the oven up to 350F, grind the herb to a powder, apply to ONE of the crackers, and lightly mix it in like I instruct on my tutorial. If it is not crumbly, simply put the herb back in the oven for an additional 5 minutes or so and follow the previous step. After the herb is mixed in on the cracker, don't forget to seal it with your finger. Wrap it well [you only need 1 sheet of tin foil, roughly the size of a piece of paper, just make sure it is wrapped semi-tight, and doesn't have a lot of room for air to escape], reflective side of the tin foil facing upwards. Throw in the oven at 350F [make SURE it's done heating first] and wait 23 minutes.

    If it still doesn't work, I suspect either improper technique or more likely, oven inaccuracy is preventing your firecrackers from working. I have made over a hundred firecrackers using my recipe, and by reading my thread, you will see many others have had success as well. Just takes a little practice and adjustments.
  10. thanks a lot! there may be some hope in me!
  11. yea. the thickness of the spread matters. I had a few crackers where i didnt put as much peanut butter and just got a good buzz(but enjoyable). But the first cracker i had was very thick and had me couch locked.
  12. Exactly!

    The cannabinoids need a sufficient amount of peanubutter/nutella to absorb into. If the spread is too thin or skimpy, and if the herb is not mixed in well and powdery, it won't work to maximum potential. It doesn't have to be so thick that it overflows when you sandwich the crackers together. Roughly, you want the thickness comparable to 3-4 stacked CDs.

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