few questions from a first timer

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jaygrass, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Im going to be starting my first grow with some random bagseed. my 400 watt light system with reflector comes monday. i have a very small growing area (about 3x3x3) and i will be growing in organic soil with no added nutes. i was wondering if i should grow 8 or 9 smaller plants due to height issues and only veg for a week or so or should i grow say 3 or 4 and try topping or maybe lst. remember this will be my first grow and although i have done my research i think im better off with 8 or 9 smaller plants. If this is the case, when should i start feeding and what is a good schedule. I also do not have a vent fan. i have a grow box with swinging doors that i plan to keep open when the light is on. im hoping the temps should be ok because i am in the basement and i will have a fan blowing in the grow box when the doors are open. i will post pics of my setup as soon as my light arrives.
  2. Try SCROG with just a couple of plants due to height restrictions. Check out the micro grow section for ideas dealing with "short" spaces.

    Unless you have superb ventilation, I think you are going to have heat issues with 400 watts in 9 cubic feet.
  3. Agreed. 400w in that space would need some serious ventilation. Also, you have to choose your strain carefully, so you don't get a hydrib-strain that outgrows your box within the 3rd week of flowering...

    I just had a seedling about 20cm tall when put to flower. That is 4 weeks ago, and now it's about 100 cm. It was the smallest, and now it's the biggest. Get an indica or somekind of lowryder.

    Good luck, and please post pics of your setup. Always cool to see that. :D Peace!
  4. #4 Jaygrass, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    my setup 400 watt hps
    space is about 4 squared feet and i plan to scrog now, regular fan for intake.. as you can see i do not have a filter, cooltube, or even an exhaust fan. the top of the cab is not secured into it so this allows me to raise the light and also slide it back to create an opening at the top for ventilation. i will also keep the doors open when the light is on. i plan on buyin a couple of computer fans to put inside the area to blow the heat upward and also hopefully to keep the lamp cool. im also looking for a diy cool tube for a 400 wat hps and a diy carbon filter/scrubber.

  5. http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/184802-diy-best-cool-tube.html

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