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few pounds under a 1000w?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by chronicbomber, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. so i have a 1000w digi system coming in a few days. i was thinking of a 6x6x7 room. im new to indoors and i want to grow enough for a stoner family of 6 to smoke all day and not stress. ive read a few stories in high times about people pulling of 2 pounds with this style setup(i believe his 2 strains where gumdrop and yumbolt,he used a moonshine mix). i was thinking of pinapple express,chronic,bubblegum to start. i want only single cola style plants that i can grow to about 3ft and get an oz oe more off of. i dunno. im stoned right now and just rambling my thoughts. oh yeah ill most likely be using fozfarms organics and some kind of tea to water. thanks for any input!!
  2. Are you talking about a SOG?
    Soil or hydro?
    You should manage a kilo doing SOG in a 4x4 flood and drain system, depending conditions are right.
  3. yeah i plan on a promix or all fox farms soil n shit. most likely sog unless the plants would do better at 3-4ft
  4. If you only want to use one 1000W light, you'll need to go hydro to get anywhere near a few pounds.

    Of course, there are always exceptions and experience has a lot to do with it too. Don't set out to do 3+ per light, try and focus on maybe .5 grams per watt.
  5. i'm building a new room soon for my 1000w. 8by8by7tall...My light will be in the dead center of the room. I'm building a 2tier set-up....Along the outterwalls at 4ft high i will have shelf all the way around, then below that a 1.5ft bench all the way around, then some on the floor in the middle......i figured i could fit roughly 42 2gal pots. but i'll be using 3gal square pots for the extra soil space... more roots = more buds....

  6. that sounds like a good idea. im going to draft an idea like that and see what i come up with. thanks for your input.
  7. .75 G per watt. I would say 10 plants comfortably under a 1000 watter.

  8. hell... why not just do straight 16 plants.. It would be easy to pull an oz or two off each plant even if you flower them from a foot high.... ive seen it done in 4x4 tents with 600w HPS...
  9. #10 dosboot, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    This dude got 14 oz growing Donkey Dick and Strawberry Jam 12/12 from seed under a 430 watt hps, in containers from 16 oz to 64 oz. 15 female plants. He grew in 50% coco/50% perlite (I think) and watered 2 times a day, and 3-4 times a day at peak growth, approximately 1 oz water per 16 oz. of grow medium. But don't take my word for any of it. I could have remembered something wrong, and his thread is one fascinating read:

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies) - Marijuana Growing

    From 15 female plants he got 14.3 ounces, dry. He went about 80 days from seed (you really would need to go a couple more weeks, IMO) then chopped. He may have gotten a larger yield if he'd have gone a couple more weeks.

    If you go this way, you should choose a sativa or sativa dominant strain.

    As I understand it, when you grow 12/12 from seed, if your strain is sativa or sativa dominant, it will grow lollipop style, instead of bushing out. This way, you can fit more plants per square foot. I am not sure that you would get the same shape if you vegged for a couple of weeks before flipping, so 12/12 from seed could be advantageous, under certain conditions, and with the right strain/s. Imean, yes, you can cut off branches and lollipop them yourself, but that is additional stress, and may slow down growth for a bit. If the plant will lollipop itself, seems better to me.
  10. a freind of mine grows 9 cheese plants under 2 x 600w lights. in soil. he is getting 5oz per plant. id say its easy to get a nice phat Kg under 1000w.

    hope ur grow room turns out nice. im looking to start a small room with 1 600w light to grow some hawaiian snow. ive never grown b4... well have outside once or twice b4
  11. thanks for all your post. i think ill do 10-15 plants. maybe 3 gal buckst or 5. all that is up in the air. im sure ill hit a half pound for sure. so at least ill be livin nice. i want to do a soil less mix but im still looking for recipies and shit.

  12. that looks awesome. i think i might wanna try that. only prob is i have a cool tube and its reflective on the other side. i dont wanna let the bulb just hang there cause i dont have co2 or a.c . i dunno
  13. Yes, you can remove that reflector. I saw a member on some forum riveting an adjustawing to the 2 aluminum rings at each end of the cooltube glass. He ended up with a pretty neat setup.

  14. i have the same style and i just got a separate mogul for my light ...

    and the stadium style grow is what i was trying to explain earlier in the post.....a tier system...
  15. i feel like my design is changing in my head every 20 mins. thanks for all the advice so far. i never really knew about the tier system but it seems to be the best for weight production so far. i think im going with mr.tangents idea here. gotta look at everything. i bet the ducting with be awkward but shouldnt be a big prob
  16. how far along are you right now??
  17. just getting the supplies lol. just want to set it up the best way i can for max yeild
  18. good luck dude.

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